Chapter 6

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Kaeya knew something was wrong. The servants weren't telling him anything, even keeping him busier. He does not mind at all as long as he gets to help them, but he hasn't seen Diluc for an hour now. He tries asking someone but they would shrug and give confusing answers never answering him properly and even tries to distract him with new thoughts or keep him even busier to prevent him from asking.

"Where's Diluc?" He asked, after finally finishing what they asked him to do as his patience was wearing thin. The workers looked at each other, hesitating before one of them shrugged. They acted as if they couldn't even be bothered that their young master was nowhere in sight.

"Probably slacking off, we all know how the young master is." The worker sneered and others followed murmuring agreements. Kaeya was taken aback, they could have never been wrong. He clenches his fist as he grits his teeth, just what gave them that idea? This was Diluc they were talking about.

"Diluc has most likely worked harder than any of you right now. You have no right to say that." The words came out before he stopped himself, silence followed as they all looked at him. Kaeya didn't care anymore, especially with the blatant disrespect they were showing.

"Come on, Sir Kaeya, you don't mean that. We're talking about young master Diluc who was only ever good at crying and taking beatings. He can't even get his own father's approval." Another servant supplied as their snickers turned into a whole new mocking laugh.

"However, he does deserve the slightest credit as he never screamed or uttered any sound when they were whipping him." He continued, and everyone seemed to laugh louder as if they were reminiscing an old fond memory. Kaeya sees red, the words slowly processing in his mind.

Kaeya's fist moved first coming in contact with the other person's cheeks, anger rising up inside him. He grabbed the other person's collar before striking again. The other person yelped before screaming trying to push him away, but he was stronger.

He was livid.

He, of all people, knew how hard Diluc worked just to prove himself to his father. But now, they had mentioned Diluc taking beatings. Was that why he would suddenly have random bruises all over his body? Not to mention the times where he flinches when something touches his back.

He was on top of the person, his own fist bloody yet he couldn't tell whether it was his own or the crying servant underneath him trying his best to protect himself from the punches. He was angry at the servants who he thought were his friends were mistreating Diluc the whole time, at himself for not noticing it sooner, it was all too obvious now. How could he let Diluc suffer? He could've stopped it.

Why did Master Crepus allow such things?

Diluc was his son, there was no way he wouldn't notice him limping to the dinner table (he did, after all Crepus was the one who caused it). The way Diluc couldn't join practices because he was suddenly sick made sense.

Because, each time he could visit Diluc there was a bruise or a mark somewhere in his body.

Diluc dismisses it quickly, so he can't say anything else but there was pain in his eyes at his every movement. Kaeya felt so stupid, he was breathing heavily, finally stopping his assault on the guy under him as others came to stop him and drag him away. Some were even screaming at him to stop but it all fell on deaf ears.

"What the fuck did everyone do." It was an order for everyone to tell him exactly what happened as his mind races on every single memory he can think of. He can't remember the last time he saw Diluc without any bruises. His eye scans the people surrounding him as he wrenches his arms away from the people holding him back. Cold tension washes over them as they avoid looking at him. He was clenching his jaw so hard, trying to stop himself from doing anything more drastic than the almost beaten to death man in front of him. However, as he remembered their words he didn't care anymore. It wasn't the first time he had killed someone, he could easily dispose of him now.

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