More Dress Hunting

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You step out of the changing room. The dress fits good, and it's pretty, but it's not perfect. Dominik immediately notices and motions for you to turn around and get out of it again.

You're standing behind the curtain in your underwear and hand the dress out to the shopping assistant. "here, what do you think about this one?" Dom says and hands you another one.

It's a pure white one with a v-neck and lots of tull. "You sure you got the right size?" you asks him. "Uh.. Yes why?" he stutters. "i think you overrated the size of by breast a little" you laugh.

You hear Dominik chuckle in embarrassment and are sure he's gotten a little red. "should I get it a size smaller?" the saleswoman asks, you can almost hear the smirk on her face.

"nah I don't think so, it'll be too tight on my waist then" "alright" the lady says and you hand her the dress again. You throw on your own clothes and continue to flip through the magazines and wander through the store looking at the selection.

You try on dress after dress and it's getting really exhausting and frustrating. There are many fancy, pretty, well fitting dresses but there's just not the one.

"oh Dom" you sigh and rest your head on his shoulder. "I feel like we're never gonna get the right dress" "Hey, don't say that princesa, there are still other stores we can go to" he tries to cheer you up but to no avail.

"I'm just getting tired by now, can we continue another time or at least take a break?" "sure we can, you want some ice cream?" he smirks at you and you give him a tired smile and nod.

"Okay, thanks for your time miss, but we didn't find the right one yet" Dominik tells the woman and waves a goodbye. He opens the door for you and you walk out, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Come on, I'll take you to my favorite ice shop" Dom says excitedly and grabs your hand. You chuckle a little, wondering why he's acting so touchy but don't ask him about it.

Like, he's always been excited about food, especially desserts, but he's never been so touchy with you. The furthest he would go was a hug or put an arm around your shoulder when he felt the need to protect you or something, now you're holding hands in public. You're not even a couple?!

You decide to just play along and follow him, ordering your ice cream and then taking a little walk through the nearby park.

"Hey isn't that Dominik Mysterio?" you hear some teenagers yell in front of you and see them making their way over to the both of you.

You panic a little, being uncomfortable with the situation and not wanting you and Dom being misinterpreted as something you're not.

Dominik notices and mentions for you to stay behind and let him handle it. "Hey guys" he waves at the kids in front of him and you slowly step back, hoping they won't notice your absence.

"You're Dominik Mysterio right? Can we get a photo with you?" a brunette boy asks. "Yes, sure" Dom smiles and turns around to face the camera.

They take pictures and eventually say goodbye. He comes back over to you, you successfully managed to make your way over to a park bench a bit away without the teenagers asking for you.

"Sorry 'bout that, you okay?" he asks and holds his hand out for you to take it again. You nod and reach for his hand as you don't want to hurt him by turning him down.

You get back to the car and decide to let it be for today and continue your search tomorrow.

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