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You hear a quiet ringing sound and feel a vibration on the table. Rhea resceived a message on her phone. "Hey y/n, the boys are asking if we can spend the day at mine and play some games together. You in?" she asks you.

You never met the other members of the Judgement Day before so you're pretty nervous and considering the situation with your ex you're not really in the mood for meeting other guys at the moment.

"Ye sure, why not" you say. You feel more and more comfortable around Demi but you're still too scared to actually say when something doesn't feel right. "Ok perfect, they're coming around in about an hour, so we have time to get ready" Rhea says and stands up to do the dishes. "I'll go take a shower then." you say and disappear into the bathroom.

You take off your clothes and step under the warm water. You turn the heat all the way up and watch your skin get red from the hot water. It hurts, but it's better than the feeling of him touching you, that still haunts you every time you think about him.

After about twenty minutes you're done showering and walk out to dry yourself off. Your skin is still all red and it hurts when you touch it. You decide to put on a hoodie, at least for some time, so Demi wouldn't notice.

You go back into the bedroom, plop yourself onto the bed and scroll through your phone. After About 15 minutes Demi walks in, only wearing a towel to cover her body.

"Oh hey, I didn't know you're in here" she says and grins at you. "Oh I- uh sorry, I can go if you want me to" you say. "Nah it's fine, I don't mind as long as you turn around." she replies and grabs some clothes out of the closet.

You turn around and hear the towel falling to the ground and Rhea putting on some underwear. "Why are you wearing a hoodie? It's gonna be pretty hot today." she says. You don't Reply and hear Rhea sitting down on the bed to put on some socks.

"Hey" she says and lays down on the bed so her head is about next to your hips and looks at you. "What" you giggle. "I asked you something" she smiles. "I know.." you trail off "I'm just not comfortable enough right now.."

"Why what's wrong? Is it because of the boys?" concern written over her face now. "I can tell them not to come" "No! No, that's fine.." "Then what is it?" Rhea asks and puts her Hand on your arm. You flinch slightly under her touch.

She looks at you confused. "Did I do something wrong?" You sigh, shake your head no and stand up to go.

Rhea grabs your hand and pulls you back onto the bed. You're now lying on your back just like she did before and Demi sits next to you slightly hovering over you.

Rhea looks you deep in the eyes, she doesn't need to say anything. You just sigh again and pull up your sleeve showing her your burned skin.

You turn your head away in embarrassment. "Did you also hurt yourself anywhere else or just here?" Demi whispers.

"Everywhere" you mutter, closing your eyes as tears start to form. "I turned the water to max heat while showering"

"Oh sweetheart" Rhea murmurs "you know you can always talk to me, don't you?". You nod, tears now falling down your face.

Rhea carefully pulls you into a hug, bringing you into a sitting position again. "Thank you" you mutter, burying your head in the crook of her neck.

"I'll cancel the boys today okay?" she says in a low voice. "M-m" you mumble. "What?" "I mean no, you don't need to" you pull away slightly for her to understand you better, just as the doorbell rings.

"Come on then, it's gonna be fun and you can always tell if it's too much okay? Or you just come back in here if you need a break from the boys"

"Okay" you smile, pulling away completely so you both can stand up. Rhea quickly puts on some more clothes.

She obviously didn't want to open the door in her underwear. You then follow her into the hallway and Demi opens the door.

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