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~fast forward two weeks~

You're sitting on the couch scrolling through your Instagram as you hear the door being unlocked and opened.

"Hey, I'm back" Rhea shouts. "Hii" you reply. You get up and enter the hallway to greet her. "How was your day?" "As always" she brushes it off.

"How was your's? Did you finally leave the house on your own?" she chuckles. You playfully hit her and you both laugh.

"I'll take that as a no" "Admit it you just want to get rid of me" you tease her. "Definitely not, but we still gotta talk" she replies, leaving you a bit concerned.

You follow her into the living room where Rhea is already sitting on the couch. "Dont worry it nothing serious" she chuckles as she sees you face.

You relax a little and sit down facing her. "I wanted to talk about what you plan for your future. Like, getting a job, maybe your own apartment.. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind you living here with me, I like having a roommate, really. It's just something I've been thinking about lately."

You look down on your lap fidgeting with you fingers. She's lying, she doesn't want you here. You're a burden! Your mind tells you.

Demi takes your hands in hers gently stroking them. "I mean it y/n, I like having you here don't worry about that" she calms you down.

You smile, "to be honest, I don't know what I want to do with my future.. I don't even know how to interpret my own feelings.."

"What do you mean by that?" Rhea asks. You sigh "there's someone I really like, I just don't know if it's in a platonic or romantic kind of way.."

"Ooh, do I know him?" Rhea smirks. You feel your cheeks getting red. "Naw, you're blushing. Is it.. Damian? She teases you.

" What? No.. I mean, he's a nice guy and everything but.. uh, never mind.." you say and get up. "Hey no wait. It does mind!" Demi pouts.

You pretend you didn't hear her and make your way to the bedroom. "Y/n! Come back here!" she shouts and runs after you.

"y/n!" she throws you onto the bed and turns you around so you look at her. She places herself on top of you and holds your wrists over your head just like you once did with her.

"Tell me now" she pouts and you laugh. "Fine.." you sigh "I won't tell you exactly who it is but.. It's not a.. him.." Rhea looks at you confused.

"Wait.. So it's a.. Girl?" you blush and nod. Rhea squeals from excitement "do I know her?" she asks full of enthusiasm.

"I will not comment on that" you say. "Ooh so I do" Rhea gets even more excited. She releases your wrists and sits upright on your hips.

You lean on your elbows to lift your torso off the bed and grin at her. It takes her a moment to realize but then it hits her like a brick on the head.

"Do- You mean me?!" "Of course I do, stupid!" you laugh before getting serious again.

"Listen Rhea, I know it might make you uncomfortable now, regarding the fact that you're straight and we sleep in the same bed at night and everything and-"

You're cut off by her kissing you on the lips. God how can someone have such soft lips! You're surprised but quickly return the kiss.

Demi pulls away and looks you in the eyes. "Remember when we were cuddling in bed and I told you I really liked you?" you nod "that's what I meant" she says and kisses you again passionately.

She cupped your cheeks earlier and you wrap your arms around her waist and torso pulling her closer. She deepens the kiss and a soft moan escapes your lips making her smile.

Oh my God how can somebody be this perfect. You both pull away to catch your breath and smile at one another. "I love you Demi" you breathe out. "I love you too y/n"

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