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Yunho bids farewell to his friends and start walking towards his home happy to be free from the university as he got 2 months vacations.Yunho is in the last year of his university....being a media science student he was deeply interested in searching about supernatural species.

He believes that there are such things existing but his common sense tells him that they all are false myths..how can there be some people being half wolves or some blood suckers, he thinks as he kicks the stone. Soon he reaches his apartment and throws his bag somewhere on the floor flopping himself on the couch still thinking about what he will be doing in these vacations.

He takes a nap for two hours..later wakes up and make himself some instant noodles just to go back again to his bed.Yunho was really a curious soul...the idea of exploring the jungle for searching one of these mythical creatures never let his mind rest...he kept tossing and turning until he decides to get up and search.

He grabs his laptop and starts looking for some most famous supernatural creatures...the results pin pointed the warewolfs to be the most unique and some most believing creatures to be seen.It caught his interest as he looks in the information about the warewolfs. He read about the warewolfs having their own scents and that they have ranks in their respective categories

true bloods whice have red eyes,long nails,big physique and terrifying faces having long sharp teeth out if their mouths...yunho stops reading and starts laughing on the given data "how can they write this much nonsense?like how do they know these things?now they will say that they wear blue underwears" he smacks himself for his own words.... he continues reading the next paragraph with a grin on his face but gets shocked on seeing what's written...when warewolfs are in their human forms they wear blue underwears ...what the fuck how can this be true...

Yunho closes his laptop and starts packing his bag...He grabs some of his daily life essentials....looking around his room he thinks what things to put as he find a pair of    scissor, ropes, cutters, direction flags and some extra clothes with some Drinking bottles and snacks. Once done with the packing he Sees the clock which shows that it was late and time for him to rest a bit before the mission.

Ring ding dong ring ding dong...yunho wakes up on his really mood brightening alarm...after getting freshened he makes some toast for himself and get ready to leave for the jungle...When he arrived he didn't knew from where to start so he just started Going in to just to find himself getting lost..yunho kept wandering in the jungle for the whole day...the sun was setting down but he still kept going deep and deep inside.

He didn't realised it was now past midnight and guess what he's feeling hungry...he was exhausted from walking the whole day...yunho decided to look for a neat place to set his camp it really is stupidity to find such things that don't even exis-- and thats when he spots a big house that somehow seemed abandoned wait!who would have made this big house in the depth of the jungle still not thinking much he makes his steps towards the house.

Yunho knocks on the door just to find it open...well not a thing to get shocked..it seems abandoned then whats the need to knock on..yunho creeks open the door he walks inside a little and was now really amazed to see the interior although it was all wooden based but it was all gloomy because of the lit candle everywhere...He didn't know what to say now he kept walking inside as he got near a candle when he asks himself "Who would have lit all these candles?"

Thats when he hears a loud thud from his behind...yunho turns just to see a tall figure standing infront of the door...yunho was startled when the other  took a step forward saying "i am the one". He didn't knew who it was...yunho falls on his butt...as the man Bents to come at yunho's level....yunho's breath hitched as he blinked once twice thrice shocked to see "red eyes?".

woahh i hope you will love this story...i was just getting bored when i thought about the plot and discussed it with my sister @XOWUVO ...she worked hard to elaborate it...and now here i am done with writing it and editing it...

Take care byee❤

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