"Don't be embarrassed, Dean. I appreciate the compliment." I flashed him a playful wink, and his eyes appeared to darken a bit as his hand gripped his glass tighter.

"Ahem.... so nine years huh? You were....what, a teenager?" he continued his questioning, clearly trying to deviate from my teasing.

I nodded. "Yep. Sixteen. Werewolves. You?" I answered as I reached for my glass once more.

"Six or seven. Demon... kinda turned into the family business, yanno?" he grimaced as he explained, and I instantly felt a sharp pang in my heart.

I wasn't an idiot. I knew that Dean and his brother had been through some hefty shit over the years, and were very heavily trained to be able to do so. But I hadn't ever considered that their childhood was basically nonexistent, let alone the fact that their gateway monster was a demon of all things.

"That's pretty rough. I'm sorry." I mumbled, downing another sip of my scotch.

He shrugged as he leaned back, his eyes wandering every inch of my face consistently. "Such is the life, as I'm sure you're well aware."

I nodded, letting out a sigh. "Boy, am I."

"You're pretty good in a fight though, from what I can see. And you're smart enough to know to use a bronze dagger on a Siren... who taught you?" he asked.

"Self-taught." I leaned back in my seat as well, allowing my eyes to wander down his neck, to his muscular chest that was aggressively stretching the fabric of his t-shirt.

"No way... I don't believe that." he leaned forward a bit as his eyes lit up with intrigue.

"Believe it or not. I've kinda been a lone-wolf since that day." I smirked.

"You taught yourself how to hunt? How to shoot, fight, study lore, track cases...?" he reemphasized his question.

"Yep." I stated.

"That's pretty fuckin' impressive." he nodded in approval. "Where are you from?"

"(Hometown), originally. Although, I've been motel-hopping so long I'm kinda from everywhere, I guess." I chuckled.

"All on your own?" he pressed.

"Christ, am I on trial here?" I snorted.

"Sorry, I just... I've never met a hunter like you. I guess I'm just trying to scope out the competition." he grinned playfully.

My lips reciprocated the gesture. "Oh, baby... you don't wanna go down that road with me. I can be pretty competitive."

His grin widened, his eyes getting a little darker once again as he heard my words. "I guess I'll have to challenge that sometime."

"By all means... I love a good challenge." I winked, and his eyes began to wander once more, pausing for a good bit of time at my chest, which was pushed up slightly by my folded arms.

Something about his darkened eyes... it sent a shiver through me, but not one of discomfort... more like one of exhilaration. He had spent so much time trying to learn about me, but he was still a closed book that I was dying to read. I could tell there was a darkness in him... something deep down that was born of all he had endured and witnessed in his life, no doubt... and I couldn't refrain from wanting to explore every aspect of it.

I was shocked at how intrigued I was and how flirtatious I had been... that was so far from my normal shtick. I had a couple one-night-stands during my time on the road when my loneliness got to be a little too much of a distraction... but that's all they were. Nothing I ever dwelled on for too long.... but Dean.... something was telling me that if we went down that road... he would be my greatest exception.

And I could tell from the intensity of his gaze, that he was feeling something very similar.

We had been staring at each other in silence for a long while without even realizing it, and we were snapped out of our trance when the bartender started yelling out for last call.

"Fuck, is it that late already?" I muttered as I lifted my wrist, glancing down at my watch and noticing that it was, indeed, that late.

"Yeah.." Dean groaned, finally breaking his gaze from me as he glanced down to check his own watch. "I should probably head back to my motel... my phone is dead so my brother's probably freaking out."

I smiled softly, smacking my hand on the table twice as I lifted myself from my seat, reaching for my leather jacket and sliding my arms into it.

"Well... thank you for the drink, Dean. We should do it again sometime... hopefully when I'm not saving your ass." I teased.

He rose from his seat as well, rolling his eyes at me as he did.

"Or, I'll be the one saving your ass." he challenged.

"Now that, I'd love to see." I chuckled.

"Can I walk you to your car?" he offered as he stepped closer to me, allowing me to fully acknowledge his height, which stood a good five or six inches above me.

God, the things I'd let this man do...

I cleared my throat, mustering the most unbothered, cocky facial expression I could.

"Wow, such a gentleman." I giggled in a mocking tone. "I don't have a car." I said, turning on my heels and walking out of the bar, smiling to myself as I heard his footsteps close behind.

"Then how the hell did you get here?" he asked, confused.

We made our way out to the parking lot, and I realized that there were only two vehicles left in it after all the drunkards had managed to find their way home:

My beautiful Vixen....and the sexiest, most well-maintained classic I'd ever laid eyes on... a '67 Chevy Impala... parked a few spaces away from my bike.

"Is that yours?" Dean and I both exclaimed in unison, and I glanced up to find him staring with wide eyes at my bike.

He switched his gaze to look back at me, and we both raised our brows at each other and nodded in approval.

"That's hot." we laughed in sync.

He walked alongside me to my bike, his gaze never leaving me as I straddled it and grabbed my helmet.

"Thank you, again... for the...thing." He said clumsily, clearing his throat.

I laughed and shook my head as I smiled up at him. "You're welcome."

"How about next time, I take you out to dinner to repay you?" he smirked as he leaned over to get eye-level with me, gripping one of the handlebars in each of his hands.

"Oh, so there is a next time?" I batted my eyelashes playfully.

"I sure as hell hope so." he breathed, and I felt my heart skip a beat, unable to deny that I, for some completely out-of-character reason, really hoped for the same thing.

"I know a few good places along the interstate. If I catch you on another hunt, I can show you the best bacon cheeseburgers in the country." he grinned.

"Mmmm... don't threaten me with a good time." I said in a seductive tone, merely meaning to be playful... but for some reason he gripped the handlebars very tight in his fists as he heard my voice, before releasing them and taking a few steps back.

"Well... goodnight, Y/N." he averted his gaze from me and clenched his jaw as if refraining from saying anything else.

"Goodnight, Dean." I mumbled, a little confused by his actions, before lowering my helmet on my head and starting up the motorcycle.

I leaned forward and gripped the handlebars, revving the engine to bid him goodnight, and he gave me a soft nod in return, biting intently at his lower lip as he watched me pull off.

I sped all the way back to the motel, the only thing on my mind being Dean. His eyes, his build, his voice, his laugh, his frustration.....

All of it left me with such a raw sensation that I wasn't used to feeling... desire, maybe?

I was so engrossed in it... that I almost completely forgot about the fact that I'd successfully ganked the Siren... and my time to move on to the next hunt was right around the corner.

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