Chapter 1

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  Baby you're like lightning in a bottle~

  The music plays loudly through my headphones. It deafens the surrounding sounds of the cold night time city of New York. I had just finished my shift at the local library, I had to stay and work during the night. It's now rounding midnight. So much for a sleep schedule.


  Footsteps catch my attention as my music fades. Someone shoves hard into me and tries to grab my backpack. I flinch and immediately get in defense mode. I fall back but catch myself then without hesitation I swing my legs and spin. I feel a hard impact against my shin.

  I land on the cement sidewalk. I see a man in a black hoodie fall and blood coughs out of his mouth.

  "Ow, damn it. " Says a man. "I thought you were weak!" He tells me.

  He gets up and sprints away. I sigh as I grab my backpack from the ground and I fix my hoodie. My headphones had fallen on the ground without me noticing.

  "Awe shit, don't be broken!!" I say in a whiny tone as I crouch down and grab them. Once in my hand, I turn them in all directions to examine it. No scraps or anything. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth and I wrap the headphones around my neck and call my brother.


  "Hello?" Says my brother Luke.

  "Hey Luke, what time you gonna be home?" I ask. I begin walking home again. This time I feel an uneasy sense of danger. Like I'm being watched.

  "Around like Wednesday night. Why do I need to come back earlier?" He asks.

  "No it's ok. I'm fine, enjoy your vacation. Love you, bye." I hung up before he could say,'I love you too'.

  As I walk, the sense of being watched grows. I finally arrived at my house. I open the little white gate that has no real purpose, and walk down the pathway up to my doorstep. I fiddle with the keys until the door opens.

  I slide the bag off my arms and to the floor then lazily close the door. I slip off my shoes and walk to the couch where I plop down and fall asleep.

  My alarm goes off around 3. I get up and groggily grab an energy drink, aka red bull, and walk to my weight room. I work out for thirty minutes then get ready for a run. As I run I feel the sense of being watched. I pause to change a song and hear a car screech to a stop.

  I turn around and see a black sedan with tinted windows stop. I raise an eyebrow but shrug it away before I go into a café where my cousin works. Aka my best friends wife.

  "Heyo hays." I say as I walk in and go to the counter.

  "Hey ki. What's up? You never come by unless you're in t..." Hailey stops talking when she sees the black sedans driver door open and a guy with a baseball cap and leather jacket comes out. The cap blocks his eyes.

  "Hey so I was wondering if I could crash at your place for a few. It's lonely at mine." I say trying to single her in that I'm being stalked.

  "Yeah no prob. You have to deal with the twins tho." She says and I nod

  "They love their favorite aunt!" I say with a proud smile and a confident look.

  "You're their only aunt." Hailey says as she writes something down on a notepad.

  "Exactly, no competition therefore I am already at number uno on the best auntie list!" I say with a chuckle.

  "Yeah yeah, ok. Why don't you hang out in the back while I finish up my shift." She tells me and I nod

  As I head towards the back, I sneak a glance at the guy. He was watching me. My every move. Shit, I am so fucking fucked it's not even fucking funny. But I guess it can be worth my while. Just as long as I don't get kidnapped or anything.

  I wait in the back room for twenty three minutes. My cousin steps in and apologizes, she said something about a customer being a Karen.

  As we walk out of the building and walk down the street. We notice the black sedan. Wow, so sneaky.

  "So, a stalker... Maybe has a crush on you?" Hailey says with a teasingly playful shove. I scoff and shove her back.

  "A crush on me? Wow.. like I'd date someone." I tell her with a roll of my eyes and another scoff.

  We continue to walk for a while longer until we stop at a store.

  "Come on, I need to get some beer." She tells me as we walk into the little corner store. I browse the shelves looking for some random snack.

  I feel a tug at my hair and I turn around. Before I can say something a hand covers my mouth. A man with a baseball cap, black clothes, and a black mask stares at me.

  His hand was bigger than my face, making it intimidating. I glare at him and try to punch him, but he dodges and maneuvers me into a choke hold. He drags me over a threshold and out a backway exit into an alleyway.

  I kick, I hadn't met someone this strong. Shit was this the stupid stalker?

  "Kira!" Says my cousin. "Kira, where the hell did you go?" She asks as I see her face into a door. The door shut and I'm completely in the alleyway. I struggle as the man holds me hostage.

  He removes his hand and reaches for something. "Let me go you punk!" I yell as I squirm.

  He grips me tighter and holds me up off the ground. My legs kick the air for a sec until I get an idea. I swing around, somehow, and headbutt him. He falls back and I rush out onto the crowded streets. I'm thankful he didn't follow me. But I realize now, my phone was gone. And I didn't know where I was.

  I search around a bit until I find my cousin. She holds me into a tight hug and scarcely asks about my whereabouts and if I'm alright. After things settled down, we agreed it's best I stay at my house because of the twins safety.

  I make my way home and once more plop on the couch. I turn on the TV and the news flicks on. I sigh as I get up and go to my kitchen. I open the fridge and have to bend down to grab water from the bottom shelf.

  "Today a murder has been discovered. A boy by the name Gavin hills has been found underneath the river side bridge." Says a news reporter. I take my water and hurry to my living room. Gavin was my abusive ex boyfriend. He cheated on me then hit me every time I called him out on it.

  "The boy had his chest opened up by a hand saw and both legs had been removed. They say even his testicles had been removed. Both his eyes were split in half and his fingernails removed. His teeth had been plucked out one by one and his tongue cut off." The reporter says.

  I gulp. I'm the main suspect. Shit. I sigh and lay down and turn the channel to something random. I turn over to my side and pass out.

  Around midnight I jolt awake. I was breathing heavily and I was sitting up now. A blanket was over me, even though I hadn't put on on myself. I had been sweating and I was struggling for air.

  As I pant I feel hands on my shoulders.

  "Kira! Are you ok?" Asks a deep voice

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