Chapter 5

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Third person POV

 When Sophie got back to Havenfield she when straight up to her room.

"Sissy, mummy says to remember that you have an interview at 2." Alverna yelled through the door.

"Okay, thank you Allie. Tell mum I said thanks and that I need to talk to her soon." Sophie replied before going into her bathroom to have a shower. She heard Alverna run down the stairs to where Sophie presumed Edaline would be.

Sophie turned on the shower and watched as the rainbow water came running down like a waterfall.

After Sophie's shower she chose out what she was going to wear, with the help of Biana of course.

"Soph, you have to wear something formal but also fancy with just a touch of casual." Biana tried to explain to Sophie.

"Bi, I still have no idea what you are going on about. How about you choose my outfit while I do my hair." Sophie suggested.

Biana nodded and went into Sophie's closet while Sophie dried and combed through her hair. She put her hair in a half up half down. Biana came out of her closet 10 minutes later holding a formal but casual dress.

The dress:

"Bi, are you sure I should wear that?" Sophie asked looking at the dress

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"Bi, are you sure I should wear that?" Sophie asked looking at the dress.

"Yep. Soph, you are going to an interview, you need something formal-ish" Biana replied handing her the dress and pushing her into her changing room. Sophie grumbled something along the lines of "At least it doesn't have sparkles" as she closed the door.

***Time skip***Interview***

"Hello Miss Foster," Councilor Liora said, motioning for Sophie to take a seat. "So you are here to get a job as a Keeper, correct?"

"Yes," Sophie said, not sure what to say. This was her first interview after all, she was very nervous.

"And tell us your qualifications." Councilor Bronte said.

"Well my mind is impenetrable, and I can block anyone out if they do find a way to get into my mind." Sophie started, "and I can't be inflicted on but I can inflict all emotions, including good ones, on people. I can als-"

"Yes, yes, we know all that. Lets just skip that question, why do you want the job?" Councilor Emery asked.

"Um, ever since I knew what it was, I thought it would be a good thing to do?" Sophie said, but it sounded more like a question.

"We know you're nervous Miss Foster, but you shouldn't be." Councilor Oralie whispered to her. Sophie just nodded, even more nervous than before.

***Time Skip*** After Interview*** (I really can't be bothered to write all that...)

Sophie lept back to Havenfield as soon as the interview ended and she ran up to her room and flopped on her bed face first.

"How did it go?" Sophie heard someone say from the door. Sophie looked up and saw Keefe. "Grady and Edaline told me you were back." Keefe explained.

Sophie got up and hugged him, "I think I did horribly." She stated.

Keefe laughed, "I bet you will get a call on your imparter saying you got it within the next day."

"No way! I don't think I will get the job." Sophie argued.

They went back and forth like that for a while until they heard a knock at the door.

"Sissy, daddy want to know if 'That Boy' is still hear." Alverna said as she opened the door.

"Yes Ali, Keefe is still here." Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Hey Alverna." Keefe waved.

"Hi That Boy," Alverna said. Keefe and Sophie laughed.

"You have been spending way to much time with dad Ali." Sophie told her moving towards the door, shouting, "His name is Keefe, dad."

They heard Edaline tell Grady to stop calling Keefe 'That Boy' and he said her would never call him Keefe because he didn't deserve to have a name when he is dating his daughter. They went on arguing until Alverna ran downstairs and purposely slipped and started fake crying.

"Daddy, mommy, please stop fighting!" She cried as Edaline picked her up and set her on her hip. "And daddy, can you please call Keefie by his name?"

"Keefie? You mean Keefe?" Grady said, laughing.

"Mmhmm," She hummed.

"Fine, but only for you little one." Grady said taking her from Edaline and tickling her.

Sorry for not having a lot of Sokeefe in this one, I just needed Alverna to have more in the story as well as Grady, Edaline and some of the councilors (There will be more with others in it). Either way I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Thank you for reading. Love you guys more that Keefe loves E.L.Fudges! Bye :)

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