Chapter 1

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Sophie awoke as the first streams of morning sun light came through her blinds.

"Morning Sissy!" Alverna said as Edaline carried him into her room and placing him on her bed.

"Hi Allie," Sophie says, rubbing her eyes trying to wake up more.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Edaline asked.

"A little," Sophie admitted, picking up Alverna and tickling her, causing a fit of giggles to erupt. Edaline laughed as she walked over and joined Sophie.

"Dex, Keefe, Fitz, Biana, Tam and Lihn are coming over later today for the project you are working on." Edaline told Sophie. "Don't worry they didn't tell me what it was." She added when she saw Sophie's expression.

"Okay," Sophie said, handing Alverna to Edaline and walking over to her wardrobe. "What time is it?"

"Um, I think it is 6, Alverna woke up about an hour ago and woke us up. Grady is outside feeding the animals now, but he said that he needs your help for a bit." Edaline replied, walking towards the door.

"Okay, I will be out there in a second." Sophie told her, walking towards her bathroom. When she walked in she saw how bad her bed hair was and nearly screamed. It was spiked up all over the place just like the top of a pineapple.

After an hour of brushing, Sophie got put her hair in a half up half down and walked outside to help Grady.

"Morning kiddo, what took you so long?" Grady questioned when she was near the enclosure he was in.

"My hair." Sophie grumbled. Grady laughed and waved her over.

-----TIME SKIP-----

"Hey guys!" Sophie welcomes as her friends appear in the field. Everyone waves and follow Sophie up to Calla's tree.

"Would you like some mallowmelt before I go?" Edaline asks holding out the tray. Everyone nodded so Edaline put the tray down before leaving to help Grady.

"So, Dex, how is it going with the gadget?" Keefe asks, shoving pieces of mallowmelt into his mouth.

"I have nearly finished it, we will be able to use it soon enough." Dex replies, taking a some mallowmelt.

They talk more about plans and make sure everyone knows what they are doing (Sorry but you guys will have to wait to know, actually no, I am not sorry ;P), after they finish talking everyone slowly leaves, except Fitz.

"Sophie, can I talk to you?" Fitz asks walking over to Sophie.

"Um, sure. What do you want to talk about?" Sophie questions.

"I, um, I like you, and I was, um wondering if, um, you would go out with me?" Fitz asks shyly, looking at the ground.

"Oh uh, Fitz that is really sweet but, I, I don't know if I like you to." Sophie says, looking at the ground as well.

"You don't know? How can you not know? I don't even care. I, um, I'm going to go, Biana probably wants me or something." After saying that Fitz leaps away.

Sophie falls to the ground and as tears fall down her face. She doesn't know who she likes, or if she likes anyone at all. After not coming to a decision she decides to make a Pros and Cons list for the 2 main boys she might like.

After doing as much as she could think of for both boys, she decided she liked Keefe better. The only problem was that, she didn't know if he liked her back. So she did the only normal thing to do in this instance. Call Biana.

"Hey Bi, can you go somewhere no one will hear you and me talk? I have to tell you something I don't want to tell anyone else yet." Sophie whispered into her imparter when Biana picked up.

"Okay, just wait." Biana said as she turned invisible and went on top of the roof (Don't ask me how she got there she just did) "So, what did you want to tell me?"

"I, uh, I think I like Keefe." Sophie said showing the Pros and Cons list she made.

"Eeh!" Biana squealed. "I've been waiting for this day forever!"

"What do you mean? Actually I don't want to know. But I have a problem, I don't think he likes me back."

"Soph, we need to talk about your obliviousness."

"What? I am not oblivious."

"Yes, yes you are." Biana told her. "But fine, if you don't want to talk about that, how about you talk to Keefe?"

Hi guys! I hope you liked the first chapter. I am sorry that it is short, I just ran out of ideas.

Please comment on your favorite part, share this to someone you think will like this story, and follow for more of my stories.

Thank you for reading. Love you guys more that Keefe loves E.L.Fudges! Bye :)

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