"Where are the boys?" I asked, looking around the room.
"They literally went out to get food like 5 minutes ago. They should be back soon."
"Their reactions are gonna be funny as hell. Wait, didn't you have a buzz cut when I last saw you? In my mind?"
"Mhm. It's a long story, but at least I got my powers back."
"Can I see it?" I asked.
"My hair?"

El shrugged and leaned closer so I could pull her hood down. Once I did, her hair popped out and I giggled.

"Woah." I said, running my hand through her soft curls.
"Like it?" She asked.
"I love it. You suit short hair so much." I answered.
"Thank you." She smiled, "I guess I'm used to it by now, but I'll probably grow it out again."
"Like how it was when we went we first hung out?"

"Yeah, then if I grow it out for like 2 more years it'll be like how it was 7 months ago." She chuckled.
"Awh I didn't get to see your hair in California."
"Will probably has a picture or two. He's just like Jonathan." I widened my eyes and hit her shoulder.
"El! You can't say that!" I laughed.
"I didn't mean it in a bad way! I'm saying he likes photography."
"Yep. What were you thinking of?" She gave me a suspicious look and I giggled.

"Oh yeah, how was California by the way?"
"Friends don't lie, so I'll be honest with you. It was so shit."
I burst out laughing to the point where tears almost rolled down my cheeks. "I think that's the first time I've heard you curse." We both laughed even harder and by now my ribs were hurting, "What was so bad about it?" I asked once I had finally caught my breath.
"Well first of all, Joyce enrolled me in school for the first time."
"Ooooh, wait did she put you down as Eleven?"

El shook her head, "She put me down as Jane. Will was with me too."
"I bet you made loads of cool friends."
Her face seemed to fall slightly, "No, I didn't. I really wanted to though. I tried to at the beginning, but then I just sort of gave up."
"What? Why?"
"Nobody wanted to be friends with the two new kids. I think I ruined Will's chances since I didn't really know how to do anything, whereas the other kids did. He had to show me a lot of things and the others saw us together." Now she looked upset and honestly I felt upset for her too.

"Did they say anything?" I asked wearily, why were they so rude?
She shrugged, "Not really. Most people just ignored us or avoided us when they could. A few people were mean."
She nodded, "A lot of people kept calling Will gay, but I don't know what that means."
I frowned, "And to you?"

"Um well," El shuffled a bit on her chair and began fidgeting with her fingers, "No one said anything in particular. Just depended on what they were feeling on the day. Someone started a rumour that I used to live in a forest, which is why I was so clueless about everything. It's not like they were wrong, but it didn't make me feel very good. I always saw people whisper things to their friends when they saw me and even laugh, and I didn't like going to school anymore. I didn't want to either."

She pulled on each finger as she continued, "But Joyce said I had to so I could learn. I was failing all my tests b-but I didn't want to leave Will alone, although I probably should have." She smiled sadly, "It was just a new thing everyday about me, and he was getting punished because of it. People didn't speak to him because he hung out with me and I just-" She hesitated, "I just wish they didn't bring me with them. Will would've made new friends, Jonathan could've relaxed more instead of focusing on getting to college just so I could have enough room, and Joyce wouldn't have to work so hard and get so stressed."

"Why did you not want them to take you?" I asked, noticing her hands shaking slightly now as she pressed them down on her legs, attempting to keep them still.
"They already have enough to deal with, they don't need me to add to it. I- I could've just fixed the holes in the cabin, when I first lived there Hopper and I fixed the roof and everything. I could've just lived alone and it would just be easier for everybody else. Or if it got really bad I could've just gone back to the l-lab." My eyes widened as she continued.

Oneshots: Elmax / SillieWhere stories live. Discover now