PJ: The sleepless child

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i kinda have an idea for a little nightmares oc (i got inspiration from the kid in a picture with "The baker") , i call 'em "PJ: the sleepless child", "the sleepy child", "the sleepwalker" or just "PJ" for short, for now im going for "PJ: The sleepless child" because lets be honest, if we were in the world of little nightmares we wouldn't be able to sleep at all

Anyways for their info

Appearance: (Human) I'm thinking PJ would be wearing pajamas (Similar to the collector from the owl house, just not as vibrant as him), they would be wearing slippers (similar to sans), and are also wearing a hat that also acts as a sleeping mask (or just be like one of the kids who cover their face or part of it) being so large that it would cover the top half of PJ's head, im thinking the part where its covering their eyes would have an imprint of eyes similar to a cat, idk, PJ also looks masculine, but its not 100% clear if PJ is (hence why im referring to them as they/them) but people would assume they are male due to the short hair (lets be honest, its hard to identify a childs gender when you just met them, i would know, i used to be mistaken as a girl and my friend used to be mistaken as a male even though we're the opposite) under their hat they have freckles adorned on their cheeks, and have dark blue eyes that goes well with their dark complexion, they also have a baby carrier on their back to carry around their teddy bear when they can't hold him

Monster form: They have black almost rotten skin that blends with the shadows around them, their body is crooked and constantly bending with unnerving bone cracking sounds, they also look more feminine than before. They have long wavy floating hair, their body is very slim, though they're so skinny that they're bones is shown through their skin. Like almost all the monsters, they are huge and tower over a lot of things, they have long sharp claws on both their hands and feet, their eyes also glow a white hue which acts like flashlights (ironic, isn't it?)

Final form: they look relatively the same as their human form, only now their hair is slightly longer with glowing golden sparkles sprinkled all over their hair and body with their nails being a Midnight blue

Light source: They would carry around a nightlight (maybe it would have music when turned on, idk) its design is nighttime themed (stars and moon) or maybe they're teddy bear that also acts like a nightlight, idk i can't decide

Location: The daycare- it was a place where parents would go to drop off their child to go to work, like i said "was", while PJ's parents were at work the signal tower did its thing, leaving PJ at the daycare with limited supplies, with a couple of children like themselves, ofc they all realize that they can't stay in the daycare forever and have to scavenge for food outside

Personality: Due to the monsters of little nightmares (Including the fact they constantly have to hide from the daycare attendant) they don't get much sleep so they're constantly sleepy, anytime they get up too fast they get terrible vertigo (so if you were to "die" while getting chased then you'd be in big trouble when you "wake up") they also seem very jaded most of the time due to the lack of sleep, and are prone to zoning out, they also get frequent panick attacks (to calm him down, they would hug their teddy bear--- Mr. Wigglesworth that they constantly hold close to them, or leave him in their baby carrier)

Powers: Like most of the children of little nightmares universe, they have powers, but they have different levels

Self-nightlight - PJ always had Nyctophobia, fortunately for them, their skin is able to glow lighting things in close proximity, but they're not able to direct the light in a specific direction, hence why he has his nightlight: to point at a specific direction since their glow though bright, it doesn't reach that far (its like Six' lighter)
Deja Vu - PJ has the ability to see the future through dreams. These visions are sometimes symbolic, metaphorical, or even feature rather blurry imagery and thus bear hidden or unclear meanings and implications, leaving it up to them to interpret them
Astral Projection - PJ is able to project the physical embodiment of their dream self into reality, albeit they are unaware of it until they wake up

Prince of the fireflies:
Firefly Lights - They're able to shoot light spheres, the spheres look similar to fireflies (one of their favorite animals) they could be harmless being able to help light places or harmful being able to stun enemies for a few seconds

The night hag (monster form):
Nightmare Protal - They're able to create voids and summon other nightmarish creatures from said void as well as create hallucinations to do a number of things such as: leading them to a trap and others
Shadow Travel - They're able to go into shadows and traverse the shadow realm effectively being able to appear anywhere, where shadows and darkness are present.
Warped Body - Being able to twist and contort their body in virtually any way they please, allowing them to fit into spaces of any size and shape makes it even more difficult to run and hide from them. They are also able to stretch their body and fit into small spaces meaning no matter how small a shadow is, they're able to come out of it. They can also contort and compact various parts or their entire body into a myriad of different shapes and sizes. Due to practically being made out of shadows and being able to contort in unnatural ways
Dark Soul - Their malleable physiology grants them superhuman durability, being capable of surviving a tall building collapsing, followed by being buried under the rubble of said building, if shadows are present they are also able to pass through solid objects.
Monstrous - Due to their sheer size they have some degree of superhuman strength despite how frail they look.
Dizzy Spell - They are also able to induce vertigo to others, like how you feel when you stand up too fast: you feel like you're about to faint
Wall crawling - They are able to climb on walls, ceilings, etc. due to their long claws.
Waking Paralysis - When in close proximity the night hag will cause their victim/s to slow down until they completely stop moving, they will also emit a hazy aura making everything around look warped

Final form (Sandman):
Daydream - They are now able to create illusions and manipulate light however they please (if you didn't know: you can create illusions with light manipulation)
Sleep - they can make other people go into a dream-like state through a glowing sand-like substance.
Lucid Reality - PJ is also able to control the waking world as if they were in a lucid dream, depending on how many fragmented dreams (something that looks like shards of a broken mirror showing a piece of something that are scattered throughout the Pale City. PJ being the only one that is able to see and interact with it) PJ has collected their power will increase (similar to how Mono collects Glitching Remains). Due to their ability to reality warping they are able to do a number of things such as: teleporting, flight, telekinesis, mind control and many more

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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