𝐈'𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 ☆~

1.3K 37 21

Word Count: 1020
Third Person POV

꒷꒦⋆⑅˚ ʚɞ ˚⑅⋆꒷꒦

Luka was in his room, strumming random chords on his guitar. It was currently 23:50 (11:50 pm) and yet he felt wide awake. He was waiting for a friend, a certain feline hero.

He sighed and put his guitar in a corner. Chat has been visiting him after the akuma incident, which he was grateful for. He didn't go to anyone for his problems in fear of being judged so talking to Chat was his only way of getting his feelings out there. Did he have a crush on the leather clad hero? Yes, yes he did. Is he making moves? He's trying to.

His golden hair, lime green and cocky smile were only a few features he liked about Chat. On the surface, Chat Noir looked like a flirtatious, outlandish hero that liked to laze around but to Luka, he was much more than that. He wanted to be free, he wanted to be loved. It broke Luka's heart to hear that Chat thought of himself as useless. Ladybug, Ladybug, Ladybug. That was all Chat talked about. He was always in Ladybug's shadow.

That lead Luka to where he is now. On his dainty home on the water, he set up a few blankets to go stargazing. He didn't know much about stars but to him, the stars were healing. It remained him that the universe is vast and offers its entire being to those that appreciate it. He also had a little snack basket of goodies that he knew Chat liked. Tonight would be all about him.

Luka was proud of himself for the setup he made for his superhero friend. Laying down, he stared at the sky. The stars were partially covered by clouds— it had rained earlier that day.

Upon hearing a soft thunk, the blue tip haired boy sat up to see the cat hero standing in front of him.

"Hey kitty," Luka greeted the other.

Since it was dark, the latter couldn't see Chat blush. "Hello my little music man," the hero purred as he sat down next to Luka. "How is everything?"

"Amazing," the guitarist started, "Kitty Section is getting a bigger gig soon and I finally got to spend some time with my favorite black cat."

Adrien nodded, happy with the response he got. "That's amazing to hear."

"What about you Chat? How was your day?"

"Well, I was stressed most of the day because of something my friend told me and he hasn't talked or texted me since. It's really putting me on edge."

The cat hero poured his guts out to Luka, metaphorically. Occasionally, the hero's tail and ears would twitch, making Luka panic internally. Oh how he wanted to touch them. Not in that way, you perverts.

"Adrien," he mindlessly mumbled. The hero looked so much like the model he had seen all over the streets of Paris. He sounded just like him, acted pretty much like him and his melody was the same.

The cat hero stopped in a panic. How did Luka know? What is he gonna do now?

"Adrien," the blue haired boy whispered. "I know it's you. I won't tell a soul that it's you. I promise, you have my word."

Reluctantly, the hero de-transformed and Plagg popped up at Adrien's side. "I could kill for some cheese right now," the kwami complained.

"How'd you know?" Adrien was on guard. What if Luka was some kind of stalker?

"I found out before I used Second Chance and never told you or Ladybug," he chuckled nervously.

"Second Chance? YOU- You're Viperion?!" the model whisper-shouted the last part. His crushes were the same person?!

The blue eyed boy nodded, trying not to laugh at how ridiculous the situation was. Adrien, on the other hand, really wanted to kiss him. "Luka?"

"Hmm?" The guitarist looked at the model intently. His eyes wandered to the blond's lips for a second before looking him in the eyes. "What is it kitty?"

The green eyed boy nervously glanced at Luka before giving him a peck on the cheek; he was too scared to give him a proper kiss. The guitarist chuckled before wrapping his arms around the other and pulling him down with him to stare at the stars. He held Adrien close to his chest before kissing his hair and taking in his scent. He smelled like lemons and honey; something that fit perfectly with his melody. It was slow yet so bright. It felt innocent but it somehow had this sound of heartbreak playing. He wanted to heal this poor broken boy.

He pointed out the stars, peppering kisses all over Adrien's face whenever he guess a star right. Both were too afraid to kiss the other's lips. It was nearing four in the morning when the clouds overtook the sky. The star's lights were diminished and all they saw was navy. They cuddled the rest of the time, chatting about various topics from Kitty Section to dates they dreamt about.

When the sun began to rise, Adrien reluctantly got up. He didn't want his father to think he was missing.

"Luka," he whispered while shaking the other, "I need to leave."

The blue haired boy slowly got up while registering what he heard. "But Kitty," he whined, "I want you to stay."

"Luka, I need to get home. Nathalie and Dad are going to worry about me if I don't get home on time."

"Fine," the blue eyed boy pouted. "Come back tonight, I want to spend more time with you."

"Of course I will, my little music man."

Adrien took a leap of faith and kissed Luka on the lips before transforming and leaping away, leaving the musician to ponder about the kiss.

He finally got a kiss from his crush, he was elated. He cleaned up the snacks which were mostly untouched and the blankets that he used as cushions for stargazing. His stargazing hangout was a definite success, he decided that he would do it more often. If it meant that he would get Adrien to cuddle him, he'd do it all the time.

꒷꒦⋆⑅˚ ʚɞ ˚⑅⋆꒷꒦

A/N: First oneshot!

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stan twice.

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