Hanbin was laughing at matthew "you actually believed it? you are so cute" hanbin ruffled matthew's hair... Matthew pouted and looked away

Matthew was sulking at him, he literally got a heartattack by the joke he made "Don't talk to me now" matthew walked away

"Yaah wait i was joking" hanbin got infront of matthew and looked at matthew with a pout face "i'm sorry, forgive me"

"You joke like that hyung? You know how much worried i was for you" he rolled his eyes

"I just want to tease you-" hanbin said

"Eh-? As you always want to" matthew chuckled at hanbin and then his name was called after jihoo

"All the best matthew-yaa" hanbin cheered matthew too

Matthew went in but he was hella nervous... His voice were shuttering before he took a deep breathe and told himself to put onto it

At first he thought he could do bad but he was good at performing as he love dancing a lot

The judges announced the result of him passing... He was shocked and amazed at the same time... He runs off to hanbin to tell this when he saw hanbin was talking to someone with a big smile he wondered who it was so he went towards him


"Yea Matthew? You got in?" Hanbin asked


"That's so great" he hugged matthew by shoulder and was still talking to that person which made matthew jealous a bit

"Oh wait let me introduce him to you Matthew, he is zhanghao he's from china" hanbin said

"Oh nice to meet you" Matthew with a cute smile

"oh well zhanghao hyung this is matthew my friend more like my brother" matthew heart was throb when he heard that from the person he like... Zhanghao smiled at matthew showing his hand to have a handshake Matthew couldn't ignore it so he it back but he seemed like a good guy to matthew and wasnt that much worried... Well they were talking for a while he couldnt ignore it and also cant hate hao he just wanted it to end already so decided to do something...
"Hyung i'm tired, let's go home?" Matthew said

"Oh okay then, bye zhanghao" he bid his bye to him and goes out of the building with Matthew

Matthew stopped at the entrance of the building

"Hyung how about you come to my apartment we can spend time and celebrate for our audition passed" Matthew wanted hanbin to be him with hanbin was busy during the weekend with his practicing and helping mom in cafe he really missed his hyung so much

"Um alright" hanbin smiled


On the way they brought 2 bottles of soju to celebrate... Both of them are adult

They went into his apartment where hanbin layed on the sofa immediately after he got it he was tired already

"Are you going to wash up first or me?" Hanbin was lazy to wake up from the sofa so he told matthew to washup first after that hanbin washed up

Matthew made ramyeon and both of them ate it very well hanbin kept the alcohol bottle on the table and matthew got two glasses on the table

Both of them started drinking having some chit chat

"Hyung i met a guy on the audition waiting room his name was hayato- oh wait it was haruto, he seemed to be really friendly even i didn't talked to him" matthew chuckled at himself

"Same i met few of them as well, only few peoples where there on the last day so" hanbin added taking a shot

"Oh i see, Let's do our best" Matthew

"Yes we will, and also don't ever get apart let's stay like this forever hm, don't get seperated or ignore me okay" hanbin pouted

Matthew found him cute when he is drunk "okay i won't, i will be with you and you always don't ignore me and be my side always hyung" matthew said

"Yes sir i promise" hanbin said it in his drunk tone he looked extra cute when is he drunk...

Hanbin wasted after a while he fell asleep on the floor itself had to carry him in to the bedroom... He was quit heavy but seok woohyun is always strong and matthew have trust in his arms.. He lifted him and put him on the bed covering him up with blanket... Matthew layed beside hanbin facing him he caressed hanbin's cheeks "so fluffy" matthew smiled "even if you meet new peoples in the show don't forget me hm" Matthew looked at hanbin's face adoring him but after sometimes he drifted to sleep


(A/N) : i'm still not thay good but i'm trying my best to be good so hope y'all like it and sorry for updating lately i'm kinda busy with academic works... I will make it more lengthy next time

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