Owari(The End)

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Izuy here! Final chapter! After weeks of work this is the last chapter I will be writing. Thank you so much for reading all of this! I am planning on writing others but I might not. Time to finish!! Here we go!


(one week after the rescue)


I was living pretty comfortably with Dadzawa. My scars still throb and I have trouble sleeping through the night but I am better! I am officially Izuku Midoriya Aizawa! My adoption basically went like this. I woke up from in hospital. Aizawa was there and he said "Problem child can I ado-" and cut him off with a "Yes" boom! I am now an official Aizawa. I had a meeting today with the lovely Nezu! I got ready and waltzed up the stairs towards Nezu's office. We were going to take down the Hero commission so that I can officially become a hero. Yes, I am 13! Not 12 my birthday was three days after I got rescued. I was barely awake but in the weeks following i got the whole story of what happened through Kachan and Hitoshi. It went like (Flashback again!)


I was waiting in the meeting room with multiple other heroes listening to how Dekiru saved them. I mean it was cool and all but COME ON! Lets go save him already! I was about to blow and yell at the pro heroes in the room when I heard the sleepy purple dude ask me a question. "What do you think you're doing?" I started to reply snarkily "What's it to-" My mind went blank. Next thing I knew all the heroes were suiting up and we were going to rescue Izuku. My veins were coursing with excitement but the rest of me was shaking with a nervousness I have never experienced before. I heard the call to go from the communicator Nezu gave us and I rushed out with the rest of the group. Present Mic dropped back to talk to me, he said "You ready for this?" I of course tried to reply with my normal bratty attitude but the words wouldn't come out. It was like my throat was made out of sandpaper. He just looked at me with understanding and slapped me on the back "We got this pomeranian!" I looked at him with hatred on my face but my throat Would STILL NOT COOPERATE!!!!!!!!! I just sighed and ran ahead to catch up with Insomnia dude. He at least didn't talk as much as the cockatoo back there. An ominous building loomed meters away from us and the heroes gathered around a brick wall a small distance from the entrance. They briefed us once again on what we were doing and gave the call to action.

Hitoshi Shinso

I was given the call to action and immediately sprung forward. My job was supposed to be simple. Support the heroes. Welllllll that is not exactly how it went.....actually it was the exact opposite. Me and pomeranian who were supposed to be in the back got attacked by a creepy girl and a dude with a weird red birdmask and a purple collar. The bird dude Lunged at the angry pomeranian but he doged just in time. When the bird dudes hand hit the ground spikes jutted up at us. I saw Aizawa and the other heroes coming to our aid but I yelled "No! Continue on! Save Dekiru!" and kept fighting. With hesitation in their eyes they complied and me and bakago back to back faced the villains. The creepy girl lunged at me with a knife but I ,being trained by the demon that is Aizawa sensei, doged easily. She flew past and I knocked her out with my hand to the back of her neck. I looked over to see an angry and slightly bloodied pomeranian. Sighing I called out to bird dude with a "What do you want!" He replied with "The end of qui-" I cut him off with my quirk of brainwashing. He was very hard to control and kept fighting my quirk. I managed to subdue him so bakago could tie him up. I wonder how the others faired.


We were dropping like flies. Present Mic and kitsune got held back by a gang of 6 people. Edgeshot and hawks were fighting against shigaraki and two others. Me an Nozomi managed to get into the back rooms of the compound. I walked into a room. There was a chair in the middle and I recognized the room Dekiru was broadcasted in. There was blood on the floor and I gagged and quickly closed the door. Dekiru has to be nearby! I rushed forward to hear a clanging from a door in the hallway. I ran forwards to see the door swing open and my son standing there with a...Raisen? Well I dint matter! My son was in front of me! He looked awful, I mean I expected scars and blood but it was honestly to much to put into words. My twelve year old son should not look like that! You know what the most surprising thing is though. He still had his beat up ripped up mask on. I guess Shigaraki was waiting for him to join before revealing his Identity. Problem child had stopped nozomi from hurting the raisen but them promptly passed out. I gathered him in my arms and ran out of the compound. There in the front was every villain restricted and being loaded into vehicles. I was very surprised but I guess the heroes could do anything they put their mind to. I brought the problem Child to the hospital and waited with him. I also alerted Nezu that we had got him.


Our plan to take down the hero commission was a success! Nezu was now rebuilding a new commission. He gave me the option of joining UA and getting my hero license later on. I couldn't. I had to help people so I asked to take the licensing exam now. Nezu agreed and I passed with a perfect score. I was an official hero! Nezu asked if I wanted to keep the name Dekiru. I said no. Dekiru meant I could do it. With tears in my eyes I said "No Nezu. This is not a I can do it, This is a I did it. I proved everyone wrong and became a hero with hard dedication. My quirk may not be useful for fighting but I trained myself up and on this day I have saved over 8,000 people. My name is not Dekiru, My name is Yatsu-ta (pronouced: yat-tuh) meaning I did it!" This is the story of how I became the Hope Hero: Yatsu-ta!



Wow! I finished! Thank you so much for reading! I am glad that other people could read this story. I started writing this because I had an idea and wanted to see it come to life. I couldn't find one anywhere like this so I decided to take things into my own hands. I started this Fanfic on April 20th and I finished it on May 26. It is twenty chapters long and has 21,965 words. Thanks once again for reading this amateur author's fanfic. For the last time, IZUY OUT!

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