Monogatari (Tale)

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Hey everyone! Izuy here! Ready for some more stories? We are still in flashback mode. Here we go!



I was seconds away from hitting the ground. My life flashed before my eyes. There was Mic and shota smiling at me, my mom encouraging me, Nezu hiring me, All the people I saved, and Brilliant green eyes. Wait! What? I looked around and I found them again. Eyes that seem to radiate hope, life, loss, and care. I was not dead. No I was being slowed from my fall by a, Kid?, with a mask. I saw that we were a few fet from the ground and moving down pretty slow. I putt my feet down and they hit the ground lightly. I looked toward my savior and I saw him check to make sure I was okay. I then felt a deadly aura around him as he stalked toward the building I had just been pushed off of. It was terrifying! A green glow seemed to surround him and he moved so fast it was hard to see. Next thing I know He comes back down with three men unconscious and tied up. I turn away for a second to see police lights when I look back he is gone. I learned later that his name was Dekiru.

Nozomi and Kitsune (In Kitsune's perspective)

We were battling a group of twenty or more gangsters. Nozomi was on the ground hurt with a knife to the side and my leg was pretty beat up. I was fighting three men while all the others stood around and jeered at me. I mean come on! Show a little respect! But whatever, this is the day I die. It was quite a normal day before. I met up with Nozomi to patrol and then we say this gang trying to kidnap people. We stepped in and here we are! I got hit from behind and I fell on my side before I could get up. I heard a grunt and the three men I was fighting were on the ground. Next thing I knew all twenty men were out cold and tied up. I saw the green kid treat and talk to Nozomi and then he came towards me. He knelt beside me and started to wrap my wounds. In a robotic voice he said "Police are on their way. You should be okay." He then stood up to leave but I called out and asked for his name. "Dekiru" Is what I heard and then he seemingly vanished.

Present Mic

I was at my house when I heard a crash from up stairs I went to check it out only to have a gag wrapped around my mouth. I was dragged into a vehicle and blacked out. I woke up in a dark room. A really tall man dressed in all black walked in and said "Now Mic! Everyone knows you and I need to get info on the top heroes. You are going to give that to me!" I of course refused and he didn't like that very much. He raised a hand and hit me hard across the face. I yelled a little, My quirk was not working! I bit back the terror coursing inside me when I heard a crash from outside the door. The man in black grumbled about stupid goons and went to check it out. As soon as he opened the door a green blur flew in and hit him on the face. The green blob which I guessed was Shota's problem child took on the big man. They fought and honestly it was one of the most magnificent things I have ever seen. It was like a dance Dekiru was consistently flipping and dodging the growing aggressive punches. He then darted forward and delivered a very strong blow to paralyze the man. He walked towards me and untied lmy bonds. His eyes screamed hope and he spoke "Glad I made it. Sorry I couldn't come sooner. Shota is on his way." and with that he was gone. I will forever be in his debt. He got me out within hours of me being kidnapped.

(flashbacks over!)


I woke up the next day to the same treatment. Once it was over I was escorted to my cell by Dabi. *Crash* I heard scuffling. This was our chance! I grabbed Dabi and started to hack and pick the lock on the reinforced door. I swung it open and what I saw brought tears to my eyes. There was Aizawa running with Nozomi straight towards my cell. They caught sight of me and I could see the worry leave Aizawa's eyes. It was soon replaced by fury and when I looked at myself I could see why. I was from head to toe covered in scars and blood. I ignored this fact and ran towards my dad. I hugged him tight and started to cry when I heard a yelp from behind me. I saw Dabi being attacked by Nozomi but I quickly stopped her and explained that he was the one reason I had probably not died from all my wounds. I was so happy to see Dad again!


Hope you enjoyed! I love writing this and I can't wait for the ending. Thank you sooo much for reading. Please comment your opion! I love reading them! I have written twenty chapters and a total of 20,727. Words. Thanks!

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