
 Somewhere in the distance on the island of Baterilla, a woman with wavy pink hair sits on a chair, gazing at the sea from her house on the mountain

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Somewhere in the distance on the island of Baterilla, a woman with wavy pink hair sits on a chair, gazing at the sea from her house on the mountain.
     - Atchum


      After approximately 15 minutes of conversation about what was most beautiful about Rouge, Roger finally decided on his own, as Rayleigh kept saying, "We have other things to do, Roger!" "If you say so

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      After approximately 15 minutes of conversation about what was most beautiful about Rouge, Roger finally decided on his own, as Rayleigh kept saying, "We have other things to do, Roger!" "If you say so..." Anyway, he ultimately decided that he prefers her freckles and her eyes. He's truly madly in love with her, it's cute.
      - Now that you're done with your nonsense, maybe we can finally talk about why we're here in the first place.
     Sounding more drunk than annoyed. Roger clears his throat and puts on a more serious expression while still maintaining his smile.
      - So, from what I've been told, Kuroi, you fell into the water with Shanks, and he had to bring you back to the surface because you were sinking like a stone. Is that right?
     I turn my gaze away for a second to think.
    - Yeah.
     - Okay, okay. You want to hear something funny? No? I'm still going to tell you anyway. In reality, I already suspected that you had eaten a Devil Fruit when I noticed that seastone bracelet. But what's funny about this story is that no one ever told me that you sank like a stone or that Shanks had to pull you back up. They only told me that you fell into the water and resurfaced in each other's arms.
      Damn it! He had no real proof of my fruit, yet he managed to manipulate me so cleverly. I have a lot to learn from him. My gaze is drawn to the two men who burst into laughter together. "
      - You got played!
      - I won!
      - You sneaky bastard! I won't forget this, both of you! But I'm also impressed. You'll have to teach me.
     He nods, smiling and continuing to stare at me.
     - Well, first things first, what is your fruit?
     I hesitate for a moment, considering the consequences of my words. However, I decide to trust them and tell them the truth. I hope I'm not digging my own grave.
     - The Zetsu Zetsu no Mi, the fruit of disintegration.
     They look at each other for a few seconds before shifting their attention back to me.
     - And even though we know what 'disintegration' means, how does it work?
     My hand instinctively rests on my handcuff, the tips of my fingers turning white from the force I'm exerting.
      - In simple terms, my power allows me to disintegrate whatever I touch. So if I remove my handcuff and touch the boat, it will turn to dust along with anything in contact with it, including people, treasures, and the sea monsters beneath.
     The room falls silent, and even the noise from outside seems unable to penetrate this bubble of intense unease. I know exactly what they're thinking—the threat I could potentially pose. That's what they're thinking. They're going to kick me off at the next island, that's certain now. I was already considering leaving, but I think I have no choice anymore...
     - Well, thank goodness we're allies!
     They laugh unabashedly, as if they completely disregard the fact that I pose a danger to the entire crew.
     But... I am... I am a danger to you! Aren't you going to kick me off the ship? I don't understand.
     They look at me with surprised eyes, indicating that it wasn't part of their plans.
      - You thought we were going to kick you off the ship just because you have a powerful ability?
     I nod slightly, feeling somewhat ashamed.
     - That's a good one! Kuroi, you've been with us for two months, and we had no idea about your power. If you wanted to destroy the ship, you would have done it already! I didn't even think about it...
      - My heart rate slows down, and the warmth in my hands starts to fade. A smile I didn't think I would see again stretches across my face.
     - I... Thank you...
     Tears fill my eyes without me even realizing it, and one of them rolls down my cheek... I didn't expect this reaction. I was certain they would hate me and demand that I leave the ship immediately. But no, instead of that, they accepted me with my flaw... I rub my eyes, trying to stop my tears, until I feel Rayleigh's hand on my head. This contact warms my heart.
      - No need to cry like that.
    I wonder if I should stay on this ship after all. I really like this ship, but I also want to set out on my own adventure to become stronger.


      After the incident with Kuroi, Baggy teased me because I once again lost my fight

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      After the incident with Kuroi, Baggy teased me because I once again lost my fight. Besides being punished for it, I spent the afternoon on all fours cleaning the deck. We spent a good thirty minutes like that with Baggy until the brunette joined us after finishing her conversation. But that stubborn stain just won't go away! I see another brush pass over it just twice, and it disappears. My gaze rises to meet Kuroi's, her black eyes and intense gaze make my heart skip a beat.
      - Don't you know how to scrub a stain, kid?
      She says it with a slight smirk that annoys me even more when she yells at me. She annoys me! I hate her!
      - That's enough! I did all the work, that's why you were able to remove it so quickly!
    She hits me on the head with the back of the brush, sticking her tongue out before getting back to work. Why is my heart beating so fast?!
     I hate her! But I don't know why, I can't stop looking at her... I can't stop thinking about what happened in the water...
      It was my first kiss. Can we really consider it a kiss? I did it to save her life, not to kiss her! I didn't want to! So why can't I get the sensation of her tongue entering my mouth out of my head?! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I refuse! Why... why do I want to do it again?
      - Are you planning to clean the deck, or are you going to keep staring at me?
      I hadn't realized that I had been staring at her for at least 3 minutes. I lower my eyes to the floor, hiding my face with my hat.
     - Stop drooling over her, you idiot!
     I turn towards him and splash water in his face. I can tell from his look that he's going to retaliate. His body lunges at me to strike, and I fight back blow for blow until I hear Kuroi's voice pulling us out of our dispute.
     - You two are completely idiots, I swear!
     Both of us receive hits on the head, making us fall to the ground, kneeling before her as she looks down on us with disdain.


      Shanks doesn't realize that the incident of the fall into the water obsesses him

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      Shanks doesn't realize that the incident of the fall into the water obsesses him. It replays in his mind when he's bored or even when he wakes up in the morning. His first kiss, it will remain in his memory for his whole life, he's certain of it. The only downside is that the girl with whom he shared it is unaware. 
      Speaking of Kuroi, has she made her decision? Has she decided to stay with Roger's pirate crew or leave the ship to pursue her own path?


Here's for this chapter! I'm really happy to release it! I realize that not many chapters have been released yet!! Since I already have the whole story, it feels like I'm already at Chapter 18! But damn, I haven't even posted 10 chapters yet! So, in the end, I'll release one chapter per day until I'm satisfied with the number! Because I don't like committing to reading a fanfiction when there are only 9 or 10 chapters! I like long stuff, and I guess many people are the same way! Anyway!
I hope you enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next chapter!!! See you later!

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