23 ~ Last chance at happiness?

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"Avi wasn't a bit reluctant while treating her, ignoring the fact that it was an accident case or something. He couldn't just see her in pain seeing the innocence that radiated from her face. We searched around for any companion who knew her and could guide us about her medical records. There was nothing. We didn't even have a number to call and the man who had brought her to the hospital ran away as soon as he dropped her, afraid he would be dragged into the case too. He wasn't the one who caused it but for the sake of humanity, he had dropped her to the nearest clinic. In that state when we asked her whom to choose, she closed her eyes, muffled her scream, and let the tears flow down.

'Save my child. Call my husband Kabir Raichand' She couldn't speak further as she yelled in pain.

'78542123** is his contact number', she recalled the number by heart even in that state. We quickly noted it down. I was about to call you when she screamed, 'Don't call him yet. Do it once the operation is done. If...' she stammered. For a long, I had heard her yell as I assisted my husband, but for the first time she stammered as she said, 'If he refuses to...he refuses to accept then call Vikramjeet Maan, owner of Zeus taxi service, tell him to adopt my offspring. Don't tell my husband I died. He loves me. Tell him I ran away leaving the responsibility to him if he picks up the call'

It was getting difficult to breathe for her, and she fainted. I remember my throat was clogged with emotions and my eyes flowing looking at her. Those were very tough times. I don't know how God made the miracle happen, and we saved both of them. It was a complicated C-section delivery case. She had clearly told us to call you only when she died, but I couldn't hold myself back. Even god was by her side because my phone did not allow making international calls back then. We reached out to Vikramjeet Maan, and he was stressed and livid. He wanted to be there when she was being operated on. The day she opened her eyes, she asked for nothing but her child. She had gone crazy seeing the empty crib. As soon as the nurse entered with her precious, she smiled as if she had seen a shooting star in broad daylight. It was like she was seeing her prayers getting answered and destiny granting her wish for the first time in her life. She kissed her forehead and named her Kiyaara. Her precise words were 'my chaand's angel; Kiyaara'. We were perplexed about who her Chaand was, but a jubilant Vikram had told us about you. He was so happy that he distributed Ladoo (Indian sweets) made especially by his mother in the complete hospital. Kiyaara is his niece because he considers Meera his sister. It was difficult to control his energy as he roamed around telling everyone that his house was blessed with a fairy. Once when Kiyaara was fast asleep, Avi approached her for a regular check-up. After seeing she was fine, Avi had sat by her side and asked, 'How are you, little one?'

Meera knew he wasn't asking about her physical well-being but her mental health. I was standing by the door adoring them. My husband was a closed-off man, but for the first time, I had seen him starting a conversation. It was like he had got a little sister too.

'I feel like it's my last chance at happiness,' she said with a fond smile.

'Why? Why is there so much pain behind your smile?'

'A few days back at the accident, the woman driving the car was my friend. The one that crashed into mine. The woman sitting by my side had saved me by taking the impact and the man sitting with the woman in the opposite car had been trying too hard to make the woman stop from committing a sin losing his life in the process,'

'It's too confusing,'

'Because it is chaotic. Shelly ran a bakery with me. We handled it together, but she was the major investor. She was lured into the web of gambling by a rich man who wanted her to work for him for a reason. She fell straight into his trap and now we had nothing to keep the store running. The rich man owned the bakery in front of us and he had threatened us to close our shop as it was slowly gaining popularity. We were standing in his way of success. I had refused him to his face. He took it on his ego and decided the best revenge for wild girls was a wild night that tamed them. I loathed him and there was no way he could have me. I am pretty devoted to my man. Then he decided to target Shelly. She was a good friend. When she finally didn't have the money for renovation she sold me. She took the advance and fooled me into going to a place where that man wanted. I thrashed, yelled, and tried all I knew but I couldn't escape his clutches. He left me for a minute and I called the most powerful person I knew. I had to call for help from someone I would never have contacted otherwise. Antonio Clifford is my brother' she said and I couldn't control the gasp that escaped my mouth.

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