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Based on a medieval era

The world was at peace   Everymon lived without trouble  every kingdom was respected and loved..... that was   Until one day  when the iron stone kingdom went to war  a group of electric pokemon  led by a cruel gardevoir began to raid every kingdom they could    pokemon  disagreed with their leaders actions   Volt the jolteon  who rebelled against his leaders actions   And ran away never to be seen again

Days passed and volt ran into another electric pokemon  a nice but grumpy pikachu   Circuit who had recently just escaped a pack of lycanrock in the woods   The two decided to pair up togethor and venture out watching eachtohers backs they became good friends     Circuit had suspicious about volt though   Volt was hiding something from him  

A few weeks later circuit found out about the ramping king  destroying and raiding kingdoms  circuit asked volt if he knew anything about it  

Volt lied and said he'd never seen the king before
But he knew every last detail about it...

A lost spark and the raging stormOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora