Chapter Fifty Two

Start from the beginning

I got up from the prayer mat I was sitting on and folded it. I removed my hijab and my head felt light all of a sudden. I closed my eyes to recover from what just happened. I felt so unsteady. I held on to the vanity table until I can walk straight again.

Moments later I felt a presence behind me. I opened my eyes and met Zayn's eyes. He looked confused and worried. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Yes, I just felt dizzy for a while" I replied as I turned to face him or rather look up at him. He didn't look quite convinced but I smiled and approached him.

"How was your day?" I asked into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me swiftly. "It was fine, except for the part where I was worried sick about you when you didn't pick up my call," he said and I pulled away.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to call you back. I was with Hus-" I stopped midway to contemplate whether to tell him about Husna's visit or not. "You were with who?" he said raising his brows puzzled.

"I was busy in the kitchen that's why" I tried to convince him with an awkward laugh. "Go and freshen up, I will go downstairs and prepare something quick for you" I changed the subject hoping he won't talk about it again.

"I bought food already so you don't stress yourself" he smiled ever so sweetly and I smiled back. "Thank god cause I'm really tired," I said. He moved away from me and went into the closet. He started removing his wristwatch.

"You have been stressing yourself too much in that cafe. Why do you even go to the cafe? I think you should stay at home and rest" I laughed hearing this. He looked at me puzzled as he unbutton his shirt. "You know Mama said the same thing," I told him.

"You should listen to us honestly," he said laughing. "I will think about it" I replied and he gave me a final glance before he entered the toilet.

"Husna stopped by the cafe today," I said out loud immediately I exited the kitchen after taking the dirty dishes. "Why? What did she want? They are up to something again. I'm sure of it" Zayn said pulling me to the couch he settled on.

"She came to apologize," I told him and I hated the way it sounded to my ears. I sounded as if I wanted to trust her again desperately. "Do not be so naive Noor, don't let her get to you this time. I'm going to update the security of the cafe, neither she nor Umma should be allowed entry into the cafe" Zayn said flatly.

I kept quiet knowing nothing I would say will change his mind. He was right. I should not even think about them. Talk less about forgiving them.

"Are you happy Zayn?" I asked out of the blue. Trust me, I have no idea where that came from. He looked at me strangely before smiling "Of course I am. I have you" he replied and I'm sure my face became red like a tomato. I tried my best not to blush intensely but it was impossible.

"No that's not what I meant," I said after a few moments. After I have composed myself. "What do you mean then?" He asked huskily. "I mean....your Mother. Do you plan on reconciling with her or-" he cuts me off.

"I don't want to talk about her Noor," he said coldly. His mood has completely diverted now but we must talk about this now. "Okay fine, let's talk about your siblings and Abba. When was the last time you talked with either of them?" I asked.

"I'm not angry with my father and siblings Noor," he said. "I know, I know but you're angry with Umma and that is affecting your relationship with Abba, Amira, and Aaryan," I said softly. He looked down at our interlocked hands and sighed.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked looking at me delicately. "Tomorrow is a Saturday and we can visit th-"

"No. Absolutely not. What are you saying, Noor? I'm not taking you to that house. You're not safe there. I can not risk it" he said interrupting me.

"We are not going there to see her. We are going there to see Abba and your siblings. We won't stay long" I tried to assure him and I hope and pray it works. "I can not risk you being there," he said adamant on his decision.

"Please Zayn. We won't be there for long and I won't take anything offered to me I promise" I gave him my best puppy eyes as I moved closer to him. "Fine," he said plainly. "Really?" I asked feeling a wave of relief wash over me. "Yes," he replied. "Are you sure?" I asked and he glared at me. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Trust me nothing will happen" I assured him but deep down, even I prayed I don't encounter Umma tomorrow which is technically impossible since she lived there.

"I hope so," Zayn said not so audible but I heard him.


"What?!!!" I exclaimed loudly with my eyes almost popping out of their socket. "I forgot," I said. "I totally forgot I'm so sorry" I added feeling like the worst friend ever.

"It's okay. You've been busy with your life anyways, a lot happened in the past month" Aaliya said. "And we know you're not fully settled in yet but the wedding arrangements have already started so we decided to inform you," Humaira said.

"Oh my god are you serious?" I asked a lot of thoughts running through my head. I totally forgot about two of my friend's weddings happening this month. I have been caught up in my situation and I forgot.

"Yes. The anko has been selected already so you don't have to worry" Hanifa said through the screen with an assuring voice. I couldn't even be angry about it. I know they didn't tell me for my good but it still felt really bad. "I will send you the pictures of the anko later" Hanifa added and nodded.

"I know what you're thinking Noor and no. You are not going to be left out of anything. We are going to tell you about every plan we make but you cannot roam around with us. You need your maximum rest and no stress" Aaliya said also in an assuring voice.

"Okay," I said almost in a whisper. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes began to water. "I will talk to you guys later okay?" I told them hoping they don't hunt anything from my voice which is about to crack. "Okay bye," they said before I shut the laptop.

To add more to my sorrow, I felt a sharp pain in my lowers abdomen. I let out a scream which was barely audible to my ears. The uncontrollable tears began pouring out and sobbed into the pillow.

I felt warm hands lift me from my position gently. "What happened?" Zayn asked in a panicked voice. I didn't even know what to tell him. Is it the pain in my abdomen? Or the pain of feeling emotionally drained? or my pregnancy hormones? It is all of them.

I sobbed into Zayn's chest and he rubbed my back gently while whispering comforting words in my ear. He didn't ask me why I was crying again and I was glad he didn't cause I didn't really know myself.

"It's okay" he whispered gently rubbing his hands on my stomach. I stopped sobbing a few minutes later. I looked up at Zayn with my eyes which hurt a lot. "Does it hurt?" he asked and I nodded. He pulled me back to his chest and I sighed.

I winced in pain again and he held me tighter. "It will go away" he whispered to my ear.

I knew this was how we are going to stay for the rest of the day. we made plans but I guess we won't be able to make it. At least not today.

You asked for more Noor and Zayn moments and I gave it to you.
Brace yourselves everyone cause the next chapter is going to be something different. Something exciting. Something that will boost your adrenalin 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
See you in the next chapter 💋🫶

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