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The next few days are pretty quiet, since Leah and Fleur are both preparing for the Euros.

When I do hear from Leah, she is texting me from her bathroom floor, too tired to speak on the phone. Ever since I saw her a few days ago, I've wanted to hear her voice again, but tonight won't be that night.

OTWN: I'm worried I won't be able to play. Sarina says that we can wait it out.

Their first match is in two days, and Leah's period came three days ago. The flare up was manageable at first, but is now far too much for her to handle. Unlike what happened when Jackie got injured, I am barred from training, and so I accept the fact that I am feeling the urge to call Marcus and drive to St. George's Park immediately. I will not act on it, but it's there.

Me: Fleur has really bad periods too

Leah admires my sister, as most footballers seem to do. I figure this will comfort her.

Me: I know it's really shit rn but u will play every minute of that tournament. U bleed England

I can almost hear her soft laughter, feel the warmth of her body beside me in my hotel bed. Tomorrow, I am checking out and going to Fleur's place, where I can stay for free in an empty flat. There is more privacy, which is needed because some are worrying that I will drop out of the top ten if I do not make a speedy recovery. Cameras seem to be following me around.

OTWN: How's ur hamstring? I'm sorry u had to retire

Me: One week recovery. I'll be fine for the Swiss

OTWN: When do u fly away from me?

Her text is more desperate than the boundary set in place allows, but I let her off because she is in pain and I want to help her.

Me: Late on the 9th so I can watch F's first game live

I already know what she's going to type, and have decided on my answer before I receive her next message.

OTWN: Have u been to Manchester before? Our game is on the 6th

Me: Can I bring Noa?

OTWN: Only if u stay and talk to me after.

Lize is very suspicious when I suggest stealing her daughter for a day. Whisking her off to Manchester has a few safety risks. I advertise it to her as an opportunity for Finn to take her on a date, but that doesn't fool her. She wants to know who I'm going to see, but makes her first mistake by quizzing me on the Austrian players. Why would I ever be in contact with a Lioness?

Though I was sure she would in the end, Lize cannot resist Noa's pleading, and acquiesces on the basis that I babysit for the whole night. It is an easy term to agree to, and Noa soon finds herself strapped into the back of Marcus' Range Rover, on her way to the opener of the women's European Championship 2022.

Our tickets are in the friends and family section, but it is full enough for us to go mostly unnoticed. People coo at Noa's shirt, finding the way it drowns her little body in an uncomfortably English shade of orange (how they managed to butcher the colour orange is a mystery). They must assume we are somebody's wife and daughter, but, as Noa babbles rapidly to me in Dutch, nobody tries to start a conversation with us.

Relieved at a successful undercover mission, Noa and I take our seats. She is very excited for the match to begin, practically vibrating. Her hands wave up and down as the players come out to warm up, and she screeches Leah's name as if she is going to hear her over the noise of the stadium. The woman beside us laughs.

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