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"What the fuck was that, Lily?" Jake gripped her by her arm firmly, a tumultuous blend of hurt and shock flickering behind those eyes.

The disharmony of the club left behind them he followed her to the outside. The chill and silencing clangour of the unspoken emotions cast an undeniable tension on their nerves as they were once again met with the unearthed realities, their emotions laid bare.

"Why does it matter to you?" Lily snapped, her words carrying a tinge of defiance as she yanked her arm out of his grip.

Before Lily could even leave, her arm was captured once again by Jake's strong grip. "Are you asking me if that matters to me?" Jake pulled her towards him forcefully, his tone dripping with contempt."Just a week ago, you were head over heels for me and now you are making moves on my friend? Even I couldn't persuade you that easily."

His atrocious claims, slaughtering her character struck a nerve as she slapped him across his face, her face contorted with rage and hurt.

"Don't you ever dare touch me again." Lily's voice quivered with newfound strength, not allowing the scars of her vicious past obscure it. "I won't let you tarnish what I have built up all these years or let your words define me. I can't believe you have the audacity to say that to my face after what you did to me. I never loved someone as despicable as you. The mere sight of you disgusts me now." Lily's words pierced through the air, her voice firm and unwavering, as she stood tall, a mixture of defiance and vulnerability in her eyes, marking the end of their tumultuous relationship.

Jake, who was still in shock, his mind trying to register the events unfolding, struggled to find the right words. "Lily, I..." His mind grappled with a jumble of emotions and regrets as he discerned the mark his hand had left on her arm. It was enough to drive him to the edges, but it couldn't have hurt her more than he had in the past.

It wasn't like him. Despite his infamous past, he never resorted to violence. 

It was Lily. How could he have hurt her? Though his words had hurt her in the past, he never intended to cross the bounds. It was bound to happen, one way or another. He thought as he tried to reason for the chronic decisions, he had made in the moment of his utter foolishness. 

Looking at Lily, her eyes filled with nothing but disdain, he realized the depth of his mistakes and the pain he caused her which he had subconsciously ignored before.

"You know what your problem is Jake?" Jake held his breath, awaiting her damning words, knowing too well that he deserved every bit of it.

"You are incapable of anything real." Her voice seethed with bitter contempt as she locked her gaze firmly into his eyes.

"People like you," Lily continued, her voice laced with disappointment, "prey on others' insecurities, exploiting their vulnerabilities. You manipulate them into believing your false promises of your love and then..."

She paused, her voice trembling with a mix of pain and resentment as she struggled to find the right words to convey the depth of hurt and damage he had inflicted upon her.

"...and then discard them when it's convenient for you. You never truly cared about me. It was all just a game to boost your ego."

"And I pray," she struggled to regain her lost voice as a single tear escaped down her cheek, "that your past comes to haunt you. The weight of your actions becomes unbearable. May you learn the depth of the pain you've caused and never have the audacity to break a loving heart again."

Jake remained frozen there, stunned and his heart heavy with the weight of the actions that he had committed, unknowingly speaking volumes of his innermost sentiments as he watched her fade into the distance.

Her words hung heavy in the air, crushing him like a tidal wave as he crumbled under the weight of his own remorse and he knew he had lost something irreplaceable.

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