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Lily struggled to catch her breath as she rushed towards the campus breaches, eager to save herself from that one professor who loves to berate the latecomers. She knew she was going to miss the first class if she doesn't hurry.

She stayed up all night after Jake dropped her off at her place, thinking about his words that felt too good to be true. 

She felt contented after being fed a sweet, deluding trail of his 'love' promises.

Lily spent the night with thoughts filled only with him, to the extent that nothing felt real. The night was filled with his reminiscences. It was all too surreal, and she would wonder whether her own thoughts were keeping him up for the night too.

She saw herself as the protagonist of one of those starry-eyed romantics, who still believes in true love kisses yet she didn't want to get too attached to the idea. It horrified her. The feeling of attachment.

Scampering through the hallway, she saw the closed door to her classroom indicating the probable presence of the professor in the class. Fate was too adamant.

Before she could even think of a way to sneak into the class, which was nearly impossible, she was pulled into a vacant room by a body.

Her back collided with a metal surface, making a loud noise. 


Lockers. The locker room. It clicked.

"That's not funny Jake," she said to the blond whose face was nuzzled in her neck. His ragged breath stroked the impulse on her neck.

"I missed you," Jake looked up with hooded eyes and arms around her waist.

"It's only been what... four hours?" she couldn't keep in a giggle as he stroked her neck with the tip of his nose.

"This is a considerable amount of time to seek your girlfriend's attention. Don't you think? You don't want me to do the maths right now when we can do better things."  

"Stop. It's ticklish," she let out a breathy chuckle as he attacked her neck with a trail of gentle kisses, tightening his grasp around her.

Her stomach was a mess as he planted demanding yet passionate kisses on her lips, totally forgetting about the professor, let alone her first class as she unravelled his taste.

She slipped her arms around his neck as she pulled him down deeper into the kiss. Tangling her fingers in his soft locks, she was far away in another dimension.

The bell ring startled Lily, separating their bodies from each other in one breath.

Jake seemed calmer than her as the locker room adventures were nothing new for him but on the other hand, Lily feared being caught. She knew they had to leave the room before the kids start filling the hallways to go to the respective classes for their next lectures.

 Jake's face softened at the sight of the wide-eyed innocent look and swollen lips.

"You have to leave first," Lily said, thrusting his varsity jacket in his arms which had unknowingly slipped off during their little makeout session before she began to peer out of the little glass panel on the door. Her heart came to a halt when she saw someone heading for the same room they were in.


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