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She wandered through the halls, seeking a familiar face amidst the expansive halls of the mansion. The ceilings towered above her. Beige colour tainted its walls, giving the mansion a rich yet sombre look. Red carpets garnished the floors which were rather awful in her perspective.

Numerous doors lined the walls on either side, their eerieness piquing her curiosity. She didn't, however, consider barging into the rooms, unsure of what lay beyond the concrete walls. She was being delusional but the empty hallway and the flickering lights propelled her sceptical side.

Her nerves were frayed by the silence. The cacophony caused by the boys was left far behind her, and now all she could hear was the echoing of her own heartbeat reverberating through the empty space. 

She prayed to see the desired face earlier upon realizing that she herself was getting lost in that labyrinthine mansion as more hallways and rooms unravelled as she continued to further indulge.

Before she could wander any further, the lights suddenly went out causing her breath to hitch in her throat.

Fumbling with her pockets, she turned on the flashlight of her phone to navigate her way through the dimly lit halls, hoping to stumble upon the lost boy on her way.

As she continued her search with a thumping heart, she couldn't help but be drawn to the paintings that adorned the walls. An ancient painting peculiarly captured her attention. It was Greek artwork that portrayed the great tragedies of King Odysseus.

She relished sophisticated quirks that piqued her curiosity and would take her into another realm.

She was so engrossed in the enchanting Greek aesthetics that she momentarily forgot the actual purpose of her little venture.

Unbeknownst to her, she didn't even discern a silhouette approaching her, gradually closing the distance between them.

Only when she heard the footsteps did she snap out of her reverie. Her feet rooted to the ground. Her body refused to move amidst the fear that gripped her heart. She couldn't run despite her head alarming her of the probable danger.

Before she could even move a muscle, a hand covered her mouth, muffling her scream and forcefully pulling her into a void of darkness. 

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