"Hurt any human, but never hurt a monster's child. Even their cries curse you," this sentence echoed in Rose's mind as she watched Aziel walk away.

"Aziel," Troy called out, but she didn't stop. She left without her medicine. After she was gone, Troy turned to his mother, who was already in shock and fear.

"I am so ashamed of you, Mom," Troy said, but Rose didn't seem to pay attention. And in a muttered voice, she uttered, "The curse of the monster's child."


Standing near the French wall of his office, which was on the 98th floor of his company in Seoul, Jungkook looked down. One hand was on the wall while the other was in his pants pocket. His posture screamed of his intense focus on the previous conversation with his PA.

"By marrying his daughter, he wants to protect his property and image and also strengthen the bond between Jeon and Chang. Initially, he wanted Mr. Shin to give his daughter to his son, but since Y/N married Kim Taehyung to protect her property and Parade, now he sees you as an option," he said with utter disgust in his tone.

"Money and power don't consider anyone's past, Mr. Jeon. This is business, and even this marriage will be a business deal for Mr. Chang. He is simply selling his daughter to save his son's business career," his PA explained.

"So, do you think I should agree to this marriage?"

"No... He simply wants to destroy you, and in this game, his daughter will play a big role. She can harm you. From my perspective, it's a big NO. You have just started your career, Mr. Jeon. There will be plenty of options available. Many businessmen would offer their daughters to you, and they might pressure you to marry their daughter. But you have to stand against them and clearly state that you are only interested in a business relationship," Mr. William advised. "And do you think their daughter will be good for you? They will marry you and then hurt you. If you try to make them understand, they will play the victim card, and eventually, you will end up giving them half of your property as compensation in case of a divorce," Mr. William added, and Jungkook listened attentively.

"Reject this proposal. We will handle their rivalry," Mr. William ordered, and Jungkook looked at him.

"What if she's like Shin Y/N?" Jungkook asked, and Mr. William's eyes sparkled with different emotions.

"You don't know about the married life of Kim Taehyung and Shin Y/N, so it's better if you stop assuming every other girl to be like her. Moreover, I don't think any billionaire's daughter will be as down-to-earth, calm, and smart as Shin Y/N," Mr. William replied, and Jungkook looked away.

"I understand, but what if my marriage to So-Yeon is profitable?" Jungkook questioned.

"If it was for your benefit, they would have never proposed this marriage to you. It's for their profit, which is why Mr. Chang is pressurizing you," Mr. William answered. "I hope all your doubts have been cleared," Jungkook nodded.

"Sir," Jungkook snapped back to reality when he heard Mr. William's voice. He turned around and found him standing near the door of his office.

"Yes, is everything ready?" Jungkook asked, and Mr. William nodded.

"Yes, it is, but I'm here to talk about Chang's proposal," Mr. William said.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked, and Mr. William smiled.

"If you are ready to take advantage of this marriage, then I suggest you say 'Yes' for a while. Later on, you can deny this marriage," Mr. William suggested, and Jungkook raised one eyebrow, not understanding the meaning of his sentence.

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