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The results for the best title are here!

Please take the time to thank your judge, chocxlatelover for taking the time and effort to judge. The original judge for this category backed out at the last minute, so she offered to evaluate this category. You are not expected to complete the judge's payment for her, since we know it is inconvenient for the participants, but it is highly appreciated!

Without further ado, here are the results!


Parantap Parashakti: Paving way for him by dwarkaratna

Suitability (3/5): The first part of the title (Parantap Parashakti) fits the book well. I also like the symbolism behind the word 'Parantap'.

However, the 'Paving way for him' part of the title isn't in accordance with the story at all. Maybe it comes into play later in the story, but from what I've seen, it doesn't make sense.

Uniqueness (5/5): No one can say that your title isn't unique! I've never seen anything like this before.

Overall appeal (2/5): Overall, the title felt too long. There are six words, two of them being quite big. So saying your book name out loud becomes quite a mouthful and that turns off the excitement of reading your book.

And apart from that, as stated above, the last four words don't really make sense in the context of the book.

Total: 10/15


YOU CAN'T HAVE IT ALL by kth_disneyfanatic

Suitability (5/5): The title suits the theme of the poem well and delivers a nice message.

Uniqueness (2/5): The title is inspired by another poem and hence isn't very original/unique.

Overall appeal (3/5): This may be a personal preference, but the font of the title brings the appeal down a few notches. Since the font is copy-pasted from outside sources, it's slightly bigger and I can't see the entire title. Even if it's only one letter missing, it brings the overall appeal down.

Total: 10/15



Suitability (4/5): The title suits the book well as it is the nickname of the main character. However, he is only referred to as 'Bated' maybe twice before reverting back to 'Gotham'.

Uniqueness (3/5): Naming your book the same as your main character is tricky. It works in a few instances, depending on the genre. I'm finding it hard to give suggestions as the book only consisted of one tiny chapter and lacked a lot of important details which could be helpful while naming the book.

Overall appeal (3.5/5): Overall, the title suits the book's plot but isn't very intriguing.

Total: 10.5/15



Second Place 🥈

A Better Sky Somewhere by cassandrejanvier

Suitability (3.5/5): Not many hints tying the story to the title are revealed yet (I've not read many chapters). It's nicely portrayed how dangerous the country they live in is and this point is emphasized further when Ma'Elda talks about her childhood. This interaction is the only thing that refers to the title so far.

Uniqueness (5/5): It's definitely not a common title. It's well-phrased and has a much deeper meaning when looked at closely.

Overall appeal (4/5): Overall, it's a good title that gives acceptable information towards the title (so far).

Total: 12.5/15


First Place 🥇

Intentional Poisonings by GreenForestWitch

Suitability (3/5): The title suits the book quite well, given that Jessie was killed using some kind of poison. Not much is mentioned about the 'intentional' part, however. It might be mentioned somewhere in the future, but from what I've read, not so much.

Uniqueness (5/5): The title, even though only has two words, is excellent. It created a sense of intrigue in me the very first time I read it. The words are perfectly chosen and used.

Overall appeal (5/5): I truly loved the title. It gave a little bit of information about the book (the poisonings) while also keeping the sense of suspense and mystery.

Total: 13/15


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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