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✰ Follow the hosts, DeathBlade__ and chocxlatelover permanently. If you are already following us, please unfollow and follow us again. 

✰ Follow your judges permanently as well. You are also required to read a minimum of 3 chapters of their book and leave at least 3 inline comments on each of them. Emojis do not count as a comment. 
NOTE: The assigned judge may choose which book they want the participants to read. 
If the judges do not have a book that they want you to read, you may skip this part. 

✰ Add this book to your private library for regular updates.

✰ Give this book a shoutout with the link and tag either of the hosts. 

✰ You may only have one entry per genre and it must suit your books. You can enter three books in total. You may have only one entry per category and you can enter two categories overall. 

✰ Books must be in English (It's very difficult to find multi-lingual judges).

✰ A novel must have a minimum of five chapters excluding trailers, aesthetics, maps, and achievements. Poem anthologies must have at least three poems. Short stories must have at least 3,000 words

✰ The password is a word starting with the first letter of your username and ending with the second letter of your username. 
NOTE: The word doesn't need to be real. Get creative :)

✰ Do not bribe your judges. If found doing so, you will be disqualified immediately. 


✰ You can judge a maximum of 2 genres and 1 category

✰ Participants can apply to be a judge but not in the same genre/category. 

✰ Give a shoutout to this book with a link and tag either of the hosts. 

✰ Please only sign up if you think you can finish the judging within the deadline. However, if there are any issues, feel free to reach out to us. 

✰ If a participant does not complete the payment after being reminded to do so, reach out to us and we'll look into it. If they refuse to comply, you need not judge their book. 

✰ The review/feedback can be as long as you'd like but it should consist of at least 150 words

✰ Please maintain all the reviews of a particular genre/category in a single google document. You can PM the link to the doc once you are done judging all the books in one genre/category to either of the host's accounts

✰ There is a chapter dedicated to the judging template. If you wish to have your own judging criteria that are perfect but if you don't, you could refer to it. 

✰ Please strive to give constructive criticism and not harsh criticism. 

✰ The password is a word starting with the first letter of your username and ending with the second letter of your username.
NOTE: The word doesn't need to be real. Get creative :)

✰ Do not accept bribes from the participant. If found doing so, you will be disqualified. Most of all, judge the books in a fair and non-biased manner. 

✰ Thank you for the help :)


The Katana Awards [Closed for Judging]Where stories live. Discover now