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The results for horror/paranormal are here!

Please do take the time to thank your judge, onlinewings! They've put a lot of effort into judging all the books!

And of course, to the participants, thank you for being a part of the awards!


I Live For Nights Like These by ArielMLongee 

Title- 4/5

Very unique title and it's a good nod to contemporary werewolf romance.

Cover- 4/5

The cover goes really brilliantly with the title and overall theme of the book. The moon in the background definitely foreshadows what the story is about. I wonder if there's a way to hint more at the human/werewolf contrast between Rudy and Ava by making her hand appear more wolf-like? Just a thought!

Blurb- 3/5

The blurb is intriguing, but I do see some grammatical mistakes. I think it could benefit from just organizing the events a bit better, and adding in a bit of mystery that can hook in readers. If you're also sticking to Ava's POV only, it might help to do the blurb only in her POV.

Writing Style- 8/10

I think your writing style is very much in line with the genre and audience of the book, so well done! I loved your use of metaphors and similes, especially.

Grammar- 7/10

There were a few areas where I felt the grammar could be stronger, especially with punctuation. Some sentences also felt abrupt or misplaced. I do think this gets better with each chapter.

Plot- 8/10

I thought your plot was solid for a YA werewolf romance. Ava and Rudy were so different from one another that it really added an extra layer of uniqueness. I definitely wanted to find out more about how they would help each other. I would say that in some areas, the story moves a bit fast and I would have liked to see more of a build, as well as more connection with the plot and characters. It might also help to dive deeper into the opposing party. Maybe a POV from the villain's side?

Characters- 8/10

Ava and Rudy were very likable characters and likable together. I do like how even from the very beginning, they're willing to abandon their normal to help each other out. I would have liked to have read about them exploring who each other are a bit more and their motives.

Overall Enjoyment- 4/5

I think your plot, the characters, and the dialogue made it really enjoyable. It's quite a unique werewolf story and you had really good imagery.

TOTAL: 46/60


Foster's by AvalonReese 

Title- 3/5

The title is good and I do like how it gives us insight into Angelica. However, I would love to see something that immediately tells me what I'm getting into! You have such a unique story within the paranormal/horror genre that it would benefit the story to have something that pays tribute to that.

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