He eyed the redhead curiously as he sat down with what appeared to be two coffees.
"Adventurous today are we?"
Kyle shrugged, tapping his foot restlessly.
"Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
Kyle nodded and sipped his coffee, before peering at Stan with a thoughtful look. "You know it might be fun if it was a double date."
Stan laughed. "Yeah and who would I bring?"
Kyle squinted at him mischievously. "You could always ask Bebe."
Stan groaned. "Ewww, no."
Stan had spent the last two days trying to avoid Bebe and her wandering eyes.
Kyle snickered. "Oh that's right, you like redheads."
Stan's face turned bright red and he choked on the coffee he'd just taken a sip of. "Wh-what!?"
Kyle laughed harder and leaned back in his chair. "Dude chill. I see how you and Red are together. I get it. She's pretty and really cool."

Stan felt relief wash over him at Kyle's words. "Dude, I do not have a crush on Red. We're just friends."
Kyle smirked at him. "Oookayyy."
Stan shook his head and took another sip of his coffee.
Kyle was still smiling at him smugly.
"Dude, drop it. I do not like Red. Not like that."
Kyle held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay."
Stan crossed his arms on the table and leaned forward. "Besides, I thought we were talking about you being nervous about tomorrow?"
Kyle looked at him with a flat expression. "Gee, thanks for bringing that back up."
Stan grinned at him.
"You're welcome."
Kyle sighed and started fidgeting with his straw.
Stan looked at him sympathetically. "It'll be fine Ky, you'll see. Nichole seems like she's still a really sweet person."
"She is. I just don't know how to act or what to say. I don't really date." Kyle groaned and laid his head on the table, causing his hat to slip off.
Unable to resist, Stan reached out and ran his hand through Kyle's hair lightly. He heard a soft hum of contentment from the other boy and smiled.
"Just be yourself Ky. She asked you out. She obviously really likes you."
"You really think so?"
Stan smiled at Kyle's muffled question.
"Yeah dude, of course."
Stan realized he was still touching Kyle's hair and snatched his hand back.
Kyle sat up and shoved his hat back on. "Thanks. I feel a little better."
Stan nodded, smiling. "Anytime."
Kyle looked at his phone and sighed. "I gotta go. It's almost dinner time."
They got up from the table and headed out the door, Stan sipping pensively on his coffee as they meandered towards the mall entrance.
He jumped when Kyle poked him in the ribs. "What?"
"What are you thinking about so hard?"
"Nothing, just spacing off."
Kyle eyed him skeptically.
"Mmhm, sure."
Stan rolled his eyes. "Seriously I was mostly spacing off. Kinda thinking about what songs I'm going to play tomorrow."
Kyle's face lit up at that and Stan felt a wave of relief. He certainly wasn't going to tell Kyle he was thinking about how soft his hair was. Or the fact that the redhead actually seemed to like Stan touching his hair. Whatever dumbass, you're probably projecting.
He turned his attention back to the boy in question, who was staring at him intently. "Sorry, what?"
Kyle shook his head in amusement. "You're doing it again. I asked if it would be weird if I bring Nichole by while you're playing tomorrow?"
Stan shook his head. "Why would it be weird?"
Kyle shrugged. "I didn't know if it was weird for a date. 'Hey let's go watch my best friend play music at a coffee shop.' "
Stan chuckled and shoved Kyle's shoulder playfully. "You're overthinking it dude. I think it's a good idea. I'll even play couple-y songs."
Kyle looked up at him appreciatively. "You're the best."
Stan grinned as they walked out of the mall. "I know."

They walked home in relative silence, both lost in thought. Stan was having a hard time keeping his thoughts from wandering to Kyle. The urge to reach over and grab his hand was almost overwhelming. Instead he settled for stealing glances whenever Kyle wasn't looking. A few unruly red curls had escaped Kyle's hat and Stan had to stop himself from reaching for them. Get a hold of yourself. He was quickly becoming irritated with himself and his intrusive thoughts.
Maybe I should date someone.
He sighed and looked over to see Kyle looking at him curiously. "You ok Stan?"
"Yeah, just um, not looking forward to all the homework I have this weekend."
Kyle nodded in agreement. "Yeah I can't believe we have homework the first week of school. But I'm still staying over Saturday night, so we can do it together."
Stan smiled at him gratefully. "Dude, you're a lifesaver."
"I know." Kyle echoed Stan's words from earlier playfully.

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