Chapter 17 : Family always family

Start from the beginning

Hanni then said,

"Yeah, actually i met him yesterday and he said that he misses two of you and wants to talk to you two, especially he wants to meet you Seunghan."

Seunghan just nod and excitedly said,

"I bet that guy didn't change much, i'm really about how he is now."

Jisung is also a friend of us, he's really close with Seunghan and they became the most famous sport duo in our middle school, but after graduated, his family moved to France, it has been three years since we last met each other, i wonder why he suddenly comes back.


•Hanni's POV•

It's break time so me, Seunghan, Winter, Haechan and Jaemin go to the cafeteria to have lunch, Karina didn't come with us because she still has something to do in the Student Council office with Jeno and i don't know why she always busy.

While we're eating, someone suddenly sits down beside Seunghan and puts his tray of food on the table, i look up to see who is it and realize that it's Jisung, Seunghan also recognizes Jisung, i know those two will definitely have a lot talk to each other.

They start their own conversation so i don't say anything and just continue eating, but then Winter whispers to me,

"Hey, who's that guy beside Seunghan ?"

Jaemin and Haechan also curious and want to know so i glance at Jisung and said in a low voice enough for us two hear,

"That's Jisung, one of my friend in middle school, he's also close to Seunghan and Karina that has just come back from France, he's a very nice person."

I don't know why but Winter keeps staring at Jisung and smiles, this girl always like this when there's a handsome guy around her.


After school, Seunghan told me and Karina to go home first because he wants to go somewhere with Jisung, those two always hangs out together and don't want me and Karina come with them, well it's boy's things so we don't want to be curious.

•Seunghan's POV•

I told Hanni and Karina that i will go with Jisung and i'm now waiting for him outside our school, but then i saw Renjun walking towards me, i immediately turn around and about to leave but he already called my name from behind,

"Seunghan, can we talk ?"

I then turn back and look at him annoyingly, then i said,

"What do you want now ?...If it's about those things again then excuse me, i will go first, i don't have time to listen to your nonsense."

Renjun said and i can tell that he's being guilty,

"Seunghan, i'm here to tell you that we're really sorry for what you have been suffered all these years, i hope you understand our dad, cause you know it's mom's choice to leave."

I then said while crossing my arms,

"So you're saying that it's mom's fault isn't it ?...And that man didn't do anything wrong ?"

He then said try to hold my hand but i step back a bit,

"It's not like that, things didn't like what you thought, you know dad has been regretted about that for ten years already so can you give him chance to fix everything ?"

I said, feeling like i'm about to cry but still try to hold back my tears,

"You mean i will forgive him and consider him as my dad again after everything he did ?...His mistakes are unforgivable, if he's still care about me and mom then he should have did this years ago, why he's acting like he already forgot about me and mom's existence ?"

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