Chapter 1

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I storm home as the rain pelts my back. Reaching my doorstep, I fish the key out of my pocket and shove it into the lock. More tears stream down my face. I take out another key and this time it fits. Slamming the door behind me, I roughly take off my shoes and wipe my eyes, rushing upstairs.

Everything is a blur. I tear down the picture of him and jump on my bed, hugging my pink and black pillow. After ten minutes of crying and blowing my nose, my nose and eyes hurt and I'm all out of tissues.

I take a deep breath. My phone receives a message. I look to see who it is:


I slam my phone into the wall and begin to cry. Again.

Im Payton. Sophmore in Riverview High School. 16 years old and no, I didn't have a sweet sixteen party. Why? Because my mom is dead and my dad is too busy on business trips. He'll be back in June, but until then, the house is all mine.

Most kids would be excited to have the house all to themselves, with their parents out of their way, but trust me, it gets boring after a while. Today I just found out that my crush since kindergarden doesn't like me back. Instead, he likes my best friend, Natasha.

I always have Jared though, he's my other best friend. We met when we both moved into the same neighborhood on the same day. Not to mention he's 10 seconds older than me. Creepy stuff man. Then I met Natasha. Back then, things were alright until David came by.

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