Happy birthday!

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Bonus chapter

Y/n's POV

I woke up to the sound of Chris yelling in my ear.

"Wake UP Y/N!" Chris shouts.

"Go awayyyy. Why are you even in my housee" I groan.

Chris grabs me and carries me out of my bed.

I try wiggling my way out but he wouldn't budge.

As he took me down stairs, I hear a few familiar laughing voices.

Chris places me down on a chair.

I look around but my whole 1st floor seemed empty.

Suddenly, all my friends and family jumped out of random places and shout, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!".

I start to smile as I look around.

"Thank you everyone", I say.

My mom walks up to me and says, "Happy birthday my baby. Let's make this day fun for you!".

I smile while looking up to my mom.

This looks like the doing of none other than my mom, Marylou, and the triplets.

Chris, Matt, and Nick all walk up to me handing me 3 gift bags.

I smile at them and bring them into a big group hug.

"I'm glad I get to spend my Birthday with you children", I say while laughing a little.

Nick rolls his eyes and replies, "Oh shut up! You're only a few months older".

I find out that the boys all had a special gift for me that they all chipped in on.

They give me a smaller bag and tell me to open it.

When I open their little gift I find a box

I open the box and find:

I open the box and find:

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My jaw drops.

I start tearing up a little bit and give them all another hug.

"This is so gorgeous", I say.

Matt says, "I hope you like it. It was the only one that we could all agreed on that we thought you'd might like".

I smile and say, "You guys are the best. Thank you".

Marylou and my mom walk up to us and say in unison, "Our first adventure today is.... The beach!".

I smile and jump in happiness.

I love the beach.

Nicks face lights up and says, "Y/n you should open my gift right now! You'll need it since I know you only have a few".

Best friends, but what if we were more? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now