Prom Day

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**A week has passed, and it's the morning of prom. Y/n had the boys over at her house for a sleepover the night before.
Chris and Matt slept in the guest room while Nick slept with you.**

Y/n's POV

At around 8:30, my mom knocks on my door then walks in. She tells Nick and I to get up because Matt and Chris were already up and had asked her to wake us up.

Nick and I groan and roll over each other.

Chris and Matt run into the room like little kids running into their parents room on Christmas morning.

They both flop onto the bed squishing me and Nick.

"GET OFF!", Nick whines, and he jolts awake.

I laugh and continue to lay there like a log.

Matt shakes me, but I don't budge.

Chris then starts attacking me trying to tickle me.

I scream and kick because I hate being tickled.

All the boys start attacking me trying to tickle me and I finally escape laughing like a maniac.

Before I leave the room I quickly swipe my glasses from my nightstand and start running downstairs. I slide around the house with my socks on trying to get away from them, almost falling more than once.

My stomach is now in pain from laughing too much so I juke them and run off.

I quickly hide in the pantry.

Since I have time, I quickly put my hair in a bun and put on my glasses because I started getting hot.

I hear them running around the house trying to find me until the foot steps stop. I think to myself, "maybe they gave up by now".

I slowly crack open the pantry door and I don't see anyone.

I make a run for it but Chris and Matt grab me from both sides.

I start screaming and wiggling like a worm.

They carry me all the way to the couch and throw me down.

"Y/n you and Nick gotta to go change. We decided we're going to go grab some breakfast before getting ready", Chris says.

"Okay give me like 10 minutes", I reply.

I grab Nick and run upstairs to go change.

Nick and I pick out some bum outfits and I go change in the bathroom so he can change in my room.

Before we leave, my mom tells up that's she's going to be at the Sturniolo's  house with Mary Lou so they can help us get ready as well as to take photos.

I don't mind because all my prom stuff is already at the boys house anyways.

We hop in the car and realize that it's already 9. Prom starts at 6 but we need to be there by 5 because we still have to make time to pick up everyone, grab some corsages, and check in.

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