America x Japan {AmeriPan}

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"YO EVERYBODY WHO AIN'T A HERO!!!" Everyone looked at the American. He laughed loudly and walked in the conference room. England facepalmed at how stupid he was. America walked up to Japan and laid a hand on his shoulder. "So dude- wanna play the picky game with the Hero?!" He suggested with a cute, bright smile. Japan flinched and sweatdropped. He twiddled his thumbs nervously. "U-Um...I don't-"

"Of course you do! I'm the Hero!!" He pulled Japan closer as the Japanese man blushed deeply. America picked up a box of chocolate pocky and pulled Japan to two seats. They both sat down, smiling. "Bloody git-! Come here!" England pulled America away from Japan. "You're scaring him! If you're gonna play the game with him, I suggest you to calm down, mister!" He fumed.

America put his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay. Mom..." He walked back quickly to his seat. Japan already had a piece of pocky out. Let's just say he had a HUGE crush on the crazy American. America smiled brightly and put a end of the Pocky in his mouth. Japan done the same thing. They both bit down at the same time. America quickly bit each piece off the Pocky and made his way to Japans' lips.

Japan yelled lightly but kissed back. Germany and Italy looked surprised at how Japan didn't freak out about the close contact. America pulled away with a light dust on his cheeks. "THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME DUDE!!!" He cheered. Japan squeaked and fell back in his seat. "Oops..."

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