Chapter 10: Assemble

Start from the beginning

As Mothra asked, he does not directly approach when he reaches the site of the battle which is luckily a large swath of uninhabited desert. Settling down a few miles from the fight, Battra immediately notices that something is off. The Ghidrah is not here. In the sky he sees a giant pterosaur the likes of which his eyes have not seen in millions of years, and on the ground is something else entirely, something strange and foreign even to his vast memory.

Bipedal and with greenish-gray skin, the monster has patches of dull silver metal on parts of its body. On it's back; large sails pulse dark red, and on it's belly are sharp metallic teeth like a sawblade. Fighting the pterosaur it uses two large scythes where its hands should be, slicing through the air with speed and precision.

"Mothra." Battra connects with his sibling, "It's not the Ghidrah, this is something new."

"...I suppose I'm both relieved and concerned about that." Mothra says, "Though short term this may prove better, if it's not the Ghidrah perhaps we can reason with it. We'll be there shortly, stay put until then."

"Right." Battra replies with a slight grumble of disappointment.


The pterosaur, high above the blade handed monster dives at a near ninety degree angle, its wings folded in. The green beast readies himself for the coming attack, taking a defensive posture and waiting to slice with his scythes as soon as the flying reptile comes close enough. The pterosaur however, does not come within striking distance, while still hundreds of feet above he unfurls his massive wings as an airbrake and opens his mouth. A audible click sounds before a blast of flame spouts from his mouth and surrounds his foe. The unknown beast recoils, stumbling backwards and the pterosaur glides away before turning around again. The beast regains its composure and faces the oncoming pterosaur, the distance between the two monsters closes rapidly, but before they can reach other to attack, a solid beam of blue plasma and radiation fires between them.

Standing a few hundred yards away is the King of the Monsters, with the tiny worm Mothra on his head he blows a puff of smoke from his nostrils. "Now then." He speaks, "What do we have here?"

"Hell, I just can't get a break today." The Pterosaur says, "This beast destroyed my home, I don't need another destructive monster rampaging around, much less a damn Gojira."

"So you know of my kind?" Godzilla asks.

"My mother taught me all about your kind, and I know when I'm outmatched, if you want this territory take it, if you want my life, I won't go easily."

"We wish for neither of those Rado." Mothra speaks up.

"Ah, it seems you have a friend there Gojira, I didn't see you before worm." The pterosaur says, head cocked "You know, Rado's are one of the only Kaiju species that ever preyed upon MUTOs? Specifically hatchling Mosura." He smiles.

Gojira bellows, "Silence your tongue you featherless bird! We are not here to fight. We're here for him." He points the the beast. "Stand aside and let us speak with...whatever it is."

Godzilla walks forward, he begins to place himself between the Rado and the beast, but the pterosaur opens his mouth, the click sounds again, and fire envelops the King's body. Luckily he manages to snap Mothra off his head, turn his back to the flames and shield her from the blast. In an instant he whips his tail into the flying reptile, sending his body into the air and crashing into the ground a good distance away.

Turning to face the collapsed Rado he roars, his spines flashing blue, "If you try that again, I will not hesitate to turn you into a pile of cinders!"

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