Chapter 2: Mothra

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November, 2016

Unnamed Pacific Island

A streak of bright orange and gold light flies across the early morning Pacific sky in November of 2016. On a small island nearby the legendary beast Godzilla rests, the streak passes over the island then slows considerable. The object unfolds massive wings the color of the sun. It comes to a hover then passes back to the island where the King sleeps.

It lands on a rock pillar many feet above the beach where Godzilla sleeps. The monster opens his eyes and stands to look upon the enormous insect that has landed on his island.

In his own monstrous tongue he speaks, "Mothra."

"It's been a long time" She replies.

"Yes, too long." The MUTO says happily.

Mothra flaps her wings once then glides over to the reptilian beast, landing on his back. He playfully nips at the fur on her neck and she returns the gesture by nuzzling the top of his head. Godzilla moves to lay down and Mothra covers him with her wings and the King of the Monsters responds with a noise best described as a cat purring. Just off the coast of the island a ship marked with the word "MONARCH" is anchored.

Monarch scientists and military personnel assigned to both study and keep careful watch over Godzilla sit on their ship nearby. When they see the new monster appear, cameras are quickly prepared, as this is the first new giant monster to appear on earth since Clover in 2004.

Questions run rampant all across the boat. Where did it come from? Was it a MUTO, a Kaiju, or something else? And most importantly, why did it come here of all places? Right into the center of Godzilla's territory. Surely this insect did not mean to challenge the reptile? It did not seem to be a battle that would end its favor, but Gojira had traveled halfway across the world to hunt Clover, so what of this new monster, that simply presented itself to him?

The moth lands on a rocky spire near the beach where Godzilla slept. Camera's were aimed, and ready to capture what would surely become the third giant monster battle in Monarch's records. Much to the surprise of those onboard the ship, Godzilla makes no quick move to battle the intruder, instead he bellows a low growling sound as he stands to look upon the radiant moth. Almost as if in reply, the insect releases a series of clicking noises in return.

Now all new questions are being asked on the ship. Were these two monsters...communicating? If so, how intelligent were they? To not only be capable of language, but to be able to speak with a completely different species would require much more brain power than ever though possible in a species other than man. Also asked was the puzzle of why Godzilla did not attack. This almost friendly behavior had never been observed in him before.

Soon the Monarch scientists would be even more confused, as the moth flew over to Gojira and actually landed on his back. Godzilla moved to bite the creature, but...not in a combative way, but in way that only be described as friendly. The moth as well, proceeded to rub its head on his. There were no more questions asked aloud on the boat, the simple sound of light waves rocking the boat filled the quiet air, the behavior was unprecedented, amazing, whatever was going on was something humans had never seen in a MUTO or Kaiju before, especially Godzilla, who almost always acted aggressively toward other monsters.

"Get Doctor Serizawa on the radio, tell him something extraordinary is happening!" The lead scientist on board shouts to the communications officer.

Godzilla glances at the ship, "Mothra, these humans, they won't leave me alone. I can never get a second of privacy with them around."

"Well, you've been very busy recently, putting yourself in the spotlight, they're afraid, and curious about you, it's only natural they want to watch you." She replies.

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