21. nursing center

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I'm so relieved Yeosang has just given me a chance to explain everything to him. I know he is still not ready to forgive me but still, having him listening to me is a step forward.

Now I have an hour left before my first class so I push the gymnasium door and head to the library. I never had the opportunity to study there preferring staying in my room. I guess letting the dorm to Yeosang for a couple of days will help me go to public places more often. I started to like it actually.

I enter the library and sit down on the first chair that I see ready to keep up with my courses.


I almost arrived late to my first class, too absorbed by my research paper in the library. 

I got lost in my thoughts after making a plan to intercept Yeosang by the end of this week so we can talk about us being friends again.

"Good morning my friend," Hyunjin's voice gets me out of my mind. I look around and spot his blonde hair at the back of the class. 

When I join him, I raise an eyebrow concerned about my friend's sudden smile lightening up his face. Is it my presence that puts him such in a good mood? Something must be up.

"Are you alright?" I ask, uncertain while he gives me an amused look. 

I stare at him waiting for an explanation but he turns his attention to his phone. "Can your friend not smile for no reason?" he says almost sarcastically.

"Not really." I let go. "There must be a reason," I say while getting my books out of my bag.

"Okay fine, there is." He starts while showing me a post on his phone. "I've been invited to my first fashion show in two weeks, crazy right?" I read the post carefully and was really impressed by the different celebrities invited. My friend is finally getting recognized.

"Wow that's super nice, I know you've been modeling for a while but that's a greater opportunity," I praise him.

Hyunjin smiles, happy with my reaction. He then looks back to his phone and suddenly, his smile disappears. "The only thing is that I'm gonna miss the swimming competition," he adds looking a little disappointed.

"Oh, you wanted to cheer Felix up don't you?" I say remembering they've been dating for a month now. Hyunjin was actually the first guy in the university I told I was gay, after that, we began to hang out more, and now we are quite close.

"Yes, he's probably going to be happy for me, he knows I've wished that for a while, but I know Felix really wanted me to be there too," he continues looking even sadder. I put my hand on his shoulder showing that everything is going to be fine. "I'm sure Lix will understand," I assure him.

Hyunjin deep sighs. "I don't know about that, he really swims better when someone's there for him..."

And he's right, Felix has had better scores ever since he started dating Hyunjin. 

A moment of silence passed, both of us lost in our thoughts. 

"Maybe you could go for me?" He says out of the blue, looking at me with so much apprehension.

"I don't know... You know I hate those kinds of events." I add, remembering that water and I make two. Just the thought of being close to a pool gives me goosebumps.

"I know, but it's for a good cause and it's only for a couple of hours," he insists, making me feel bad if I were to say no. "Think about it okay?"

"Okay." I simply say, still not convinced. I turn my sight and get lost in my head looking at the teacher opening his PowerPoint.

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