Chapter 15

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*Lucy has been seeing a therapist of what happened to her she still struggles with her insecurities but she knows Tim is there to support her

Tim : you know Chris court sentencing is in 1
Week baby how you feeling
Lucy : to be honest I'm worried he confessed to Lopez and nyla what he did but what if he doesn't confess to he judge
Tim : baby I can't promise he won't lie but me and everyone at the station know the truth okay baby I'm here for you okay
Lucy : okay babe thanks *kisses her cheek

*couple minutes late

*Tim and Lucy had food together

Tamara *walks in
Lucy : hey Tamara
Tamara : hey *I walk to the fridge opens it grabs a water and closes the fridge and drinks the water
Lucy : long day
Tamara : yea Tim told me it's Chris's sentencing in one week
Lucy : yea but I'll be okay I promise
Tamara : okay let me know when the date is I'll be there with you okay
Lucy : okay I will
Tamara *walks into her room

*couple hours later

Lucy is watching one of her crime shows
Tim *walks in : hey baby
Lucy : hey
Tim *Walks to the couch and sits down next to her puts arm around her shoulder
Lucy *puts head on his chest and cuddles into him
Tim *wraps arms around her: you okay baby
Lucy : yea fine
Tim * didn't believe that she was okay but he knew not to push her to talk she will walk in her own time : when you ready to talk I'll be here okay baby
Lucy : yea okay
Kojo *walks to his parents and lays down on the floor next to the couch
Tim *kisses her forehead
Lucy : I love you
Tim : love you too baby

* Tim and Lucy continue to watch the tv together till they fell asleep

* Tim knew that next week isn't going to be good week with Chris's court sentencing coming up

*hope you liked this chapter

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