Chapter 12

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*chris gets questioned

Harper : so you take officer Chen take her to a building and torture her sound a lot like stalking to me don't it detective Lopez
Angela : yes it does you were mad about Tim and Lucy becoming boyfriend and girlfriend so you had someone stalk Lucy when she was grabbing Thai food but Lucy escaped so you was extremely angry so you text her off an unknown message am l right
Chris : no comment
Harper ; we have evidence we have pictures of Lucy's injuries here the head bleeding but luckily the doctors put stitches down on it *puts picture down
Angela : then there's the stabbing scar it could have killed her *puts the picture down
Harper : but that that got you angry didn't it when officer west found you when you was about to kill officer Chen isn't that right Stanford
Chris : yes it is right okay I wanted Lucy to suffer I wanted her dead so I toured her happy now and I was so angry that Lucy survived
Angela : that's that's what we have a confession
*they take him back to the cell
Angela *grabs phone texts Tim - we had a confession

*meanwhile with Tim

Tim *watches her sleep his phone vibrates it's Angela
Angela - we had a confession
Tim *couldn't be happier
Lucy : what's wrong
Tim : baby he confessed
Lucy : he did
Tim : yea *gets in the bed puts arms around her
Lucy : i love you
Tim : I love you too *kisses her forehead

*they cuddled and talked all day

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