24. goodbye for a while

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That was the worst class she had ever had in her entire life.

"Ladies," Rowena decided to intervene, realizing that her students needed some order. "Let's save the chit-chat for outside of class. Today, we are going to focus on the stars and their influence on spellcasting. I'm going to ask you to concentrate on the subject; it's not an easy topic. We'll be combining physics and astronomy with witchcraft. How are you all with mathematics?"

Rowena was in a good mood, but it was a pity that her students didn't appreciate it.

• • • •

After class, she headed towards the cafeteria, dragging her backpack and books. Her classmates had been cheering Macey on all morning, while Lilith tried to empathize with the emotions—although she was far from feeling guilty—she was not familiar with the heartbreak of a relationship and never managed to understand teenage drama. She thought she had never experienced genuine and deep infatuation. She had never been in love with any of her ex-partners. Without dwelling on the matter any further, she entered to grab her cold water bottle. She always tried to keep one in her bag and then meet the Winchesters at the usual burger joint in front of the lake. Her surprise came when she saw Dorian, Barbara, and her mother talking at one of the tables. Not only was she surprised to see Dorian there, but also her mother interacting with someone other than Barbara, James, and herself. Mom avoided all witches.

"Hello!" she greeted cheerfully, placing her heavy books on the table. "Are you ready, Mom? Sam told me you were already in town."

"Hello!" Dorian hurriedly greeted her with a friendly smile. How could Coral have said such things about him? "I'm glad you showed up. We were organizing a dinner for the four of us. Would you like to join? There's a place near the pier that is beautiful and elegant. If you can make it tonight..."

Lilith quickly glanced at her mother, wondering what her opinion would be. She didn't know if she had agreed under social pressure. The last thing she wanted was to force her to do something that would make her uncomfortable. She observed her mother. The calmness with which she breathed indicated positive signs. She knew that Barbara was one of her dearest friends, and Dorian was such a shy gentleman that he would be the one feeling awkward. Mom happily nodded.

"I would love to," she accepted convincingly. "Dorian, I'm happy to go out with you, but only after you've made things clear with Macey. I don't care about the relationship you had or have, but when I get involved in problems I didn't cause, I take it personally. Make things clear with Macey. She hates me right now because of some flowers. What did I do wrong?"

"What problems with Macey?" Barbara asked, confused.

For Dorian, it was like a spotlight shining on him on stage. Lilith let out an exasperated sigh. She really didn't want to pay any more attention to such topics than necessary for them to be resolved.

Sammy boy

Have you left the coven yet?

Dean is starving, he wants to leave now


Yes, we'll be there in half an hour or so.

"I'll sort things out with Macey, don't worry," Dorian clarified apologetically. Lilith trusted his good intentions and was sure he hadn't even realized he might be hurting her.

"Shall we go, Mom? Sam and Dean are already waiting for us," he urged her. "Damn, I have to drop off the books in my room. Go ahead to one of the cars, and I'll be back in no time."

LILITH | DEAN WINCHESTER [ ✓ ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon