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"The Wafflebots are marvels of Vanillian magichanical engineering!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie excitedly showed Espresso Cookie around the Hangar. Things just hadn't been the same as before three moons ago when (C/F) Cookie locked themself in a workroom, so having someone else around to talk about the wafflebots with was nice. "A pioneering, innovative, state-of-the-art fusion of enchanting and technology! And I am the only Cookie around capable of keeping everything in tip-top condition! That's right!" Even if they wish it wasn't that way sometimes...

Espresso Cookie nods, "Intriguing. What kind of force puts them in motion?"

Strawberry Crepe Cookie lights up at the question, "Oh, oh, you wanna see the schematics?!" The last time anyone had shown any interest was when (C/F) Cookie asked about them.

But Espresso Cookie seems unimpressed, "Let's see... Outdated formulas... Bah, suboptimal enchanting techniques... Pshh, they could have simply utilized cream as a cooking agent." He turns to them, "... Indeed, it's a marvel that these derelict machines are still functional!"

Strawberry Crepe Cookie wilts under such words as Espresso Cookie looks elsewhere. (C/F) Cookie often said that was part of the wafflebots' charm, and that it was impressive they kept such versatile machines operational all by themself.

"Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Espresso Cookie!
I have been searching for you!" The new voice reignites their vigor.

"Oh! 2% Connivingness! Come in!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie smiles as they greet the strange custard but contains no custard Cookie.

Clotted Cream Cookie's smile falters a bit, but he forcibly holds his composure. "... Yet again, you see right through me, young friend." He laughs lightly. Just as he opens his mouth to state his business, (C/F) Cookie's room door is pushed open.

They look worse than when Strawberry Crepe Cookie saw them a week ago, completely disheveled in comparison to the half managed way they held themself before. If they didn't know this was the same Cookie, they likely wouldn't have recognized them.

(C/F) Cookie pauses as they spot the two strangers. Taking a swig from the coffee cup in their hand, they mumble, "Crème Republican Cookies."

"Are you familiar with the Crème Republic?" Clotted Cream Cookie blinks in surprise.

"Oh yes!" The way they say this makes it clear that everyone is about to hear a lot more than they asked for. "I had to write a painful number of letters to that clam Cookie how it's not my fault if the equipment we tested in the factory is broken when it gets there because her shipping team wasn't as careful as I told them they needed to be! I mean, really. I'm not going to pay for some Cookies NOT listening to me after I spent an hour explaining how it should be packed and shipped to avoid damage! Really! I'm not going to..." Their rant continues.

Clotted Cream Cookie glances down at Strawberry Crepe Cookie and whispers, "How long have they been working in that room by themself?"

"Three moons." The child sighs. Nothing they could think of had gotten (C/F) Cookie to leave the room, or say much of anything for that matter. It was like they couldn't hear them.

Suddenly (C/F) Cookie cuts themself off and laughs, "I'm projecting." Then they leave the Hangar to get more coffee without saying another word.

The three Cookies left stare after them for some time before Clotted Cream Cookie clears his throat.

"Have you ever analyzed any of the Ancient Heroes' dough? An inquisitive mind such as yourself must have found them rather fascinating!"

Annoyance replaces the guilty feeling clawing at Strawberry Crepe Cookie's chest, "I tried, ALRIGHT! But even my superb equipment has its limits against them!"

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