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"Perfect. I knew you could do it." Pure Vanilla Cookie smiles as he watches (C/F) Cookie revive a withered flower.

"You say that every time..." They frown.

"That is because I am certain there is no spell beyond your capabilities." He chuckles, lifting the pot the flower is in and examining each leaf carefully, "In just the short time we have been practicing together, you have shown amazing progress. You are the most diligent student I have ever seen."

"I doubt that." They roll their eyes, averting their gaze in embarrassment as a small smile comes to their face.

"It is true." Pure Vanilla Cookie sets the pot on an unused desk, "I was not half so attentive in class, and White Lily Cookie was less so."

"Yet you both were still top of the class. You ditched because you wanted to learn harder things." He's already told them this several times before. "Nerds."

Ha laughs, "Yes, I suppose I don't have the best examples... but my regular students are terrible at turning in their homework assignments."

"They're kids." (C/F) Cookie shrugs. "They have that excuse." They've never had full time jobs with real deadlines.

He shakes his head, "What I mean to say is that you give whatever it is you set your mind to every effort you have."

"Why wouldn't I?" They frown. That attitude is what got their bills paid before coming here. It was what set them apart from their colleagues as an 'engineering genius'. It was what made each and every rejection letter hurt so badly.

"I say that because I want you to know that others notice the hard work you put into things." He smiles tenderly, "Black Raisin Cookie has become more coordinated with the dishes at the Crow's Nest. I don't think Strawberry Crepe Cookie has ever wanted to spend as much time with any Cookie as they spend with you. You may not think that such effort has made an impact on others, but it has."

"Oh..." They stare at the floor, uncomfortable with the praise, "Thanks..."

Pure Vanilla Cookie glances out the window, "Oh my. It's almost time to feed the birds. I have a few letters I need to write before then, so I'm afraid I must get going."

"Ok." They nod, "I'm willing to call it a day."

"Wonderful." He lifts the flower pot he had just set down. "Would you like to take this with you?"

"Uh, sure." They tentatively take it from his hands. They don't know how to care for plants. Machines and Cookies don't need you to give them everything to continue living. Their lack of understanding made them convinced they'd kill any plant they touched. Any plants that had been in their apartment before coming here were Roommate Cookie's and usually were flower bouquets and just going to die anyway. Well, worse comes to worst with this then they can just restore it now.

Adjusting his hold on his staff, Pure Vanilla Cookie asks, "Would you like me to walk you back to the Hangar?"

"Uh, no. That's ok. I can manage." They tightly hold the plant in their arms.

"Alright." He heads for the door, "Farewell."

"Yeah... see you later." They look down at the plant in their arms once he is out the door. It's such a small thing, with white, delicate petals and a bent steam. Wait... isn't this a white lily? Where is he growing these?

Upon arriving back at the Hangar, (C/F) Cookie sets the flower on a random table. "Strawberry Crepe Cookie! I'm back!"

"I'm right here." Strawberry Crepe Cookie grabs a wrench from a nearby table.

Better (Pure Vanilla Cookie x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora