"Fuck all of you who thought I couldn't do it." Emilia states. "Fuck everyone who said I always be in my fathers shadow and fuck all the sexist wankers who told me I wouldn't make it."

"You tell them." Pedro laughs. "You fucking tell them Emilia."

"Because I fucking did it." She continues, laughing as she spoke. "Papai, I did it."

Pulling the car into Parc Ferme behind the P1 sign was an exhilarating feeling. Climbing out of the car and standing on it, taking the Brazilian flag thrown at her by Sebastian who had collected it from one of her engineers and unfolding it, one corner in each hand before lifting it up into the air above her head and leaning her head back before pointing her index fingers up at the sky. Dropping the flag to the floor, she jumped down from her car and rushed over to the team, jumping straight at the awaiting mechanics and engineers. The force of the celebrations from the Williams team brought the Parc Ferme barriers crashing down causing the team and their driver to tumble to the ground.

Nico Hulkenberg rushing over to greet his teammate, throwing himself down on top of her when she attempted to get up from the floor. Pulling her up as the rest of the team rose from the ground. The rookie driver hugging Emilia so tight as the team gathered around them that she was lifted from the floor and left clinging onto her fellow driver as she cried and laughed.

Once celebrations were over, team members and media began to move towards the podium. She was given one last hug from Nico and the team, drivers had moved up to Parc Ferme to congratulate her. It was when she was left alone with the three top three cars that Emilia removed her helmet and balaclava, placing them down on the front of the car where she'd stood moments earlier to celebrate her win.

The Brazilian ran her hands down her smiling face before scooping the Brazilian flag up from the floor and sitting up against her car with her knees pulled up towards her, resting her head back and closing her eyes to take a moment to gather herself and come to terms with the fact she was officially a Formula One World Champion.

She didn't notice the random cameras dotted around taking photos of her or the Sky Sports camera that zoomed in on her.

And that podium was a special moment for all.

Walking out from behind the podium when her name was called, Emilia held her Brazilian flag in her hand and climbed up onto the top step of the podium in between Sebastian and Lewis. She took her trophy and champagne bottle with a happy smile, placing them down in front of her and then standing with her hands behind her back as the Brazilian and English national anthems were played loudly for all to hear.

She did have to wipe the tears from her cheeks during the Brazilian national anthem.

Everyone involved and watching at home were greeted with the sight of another Senna world champion, except this time, it was a Williams which had been the winning car and not a McLaren.

It was after that, when Lewis and Sebastian were getting ready to spray their champagne, that Emilia unfolded the flag again. The other two drivers immediately grinned, watching as she held it up into the air before they both sprayed their champagne straight into her face.

For the second time, the flag was then dropped as Emilia squealed from being sprayed with champagne as she opened her own bottle. Doing exactly what her father had done before her by emptying the contents straight over her own head, smiling and laughing as she did so.

So many images from one race, saved into history.

The day that a forth world championship was won by a Senna...

Present day - May 12th 2018:

Emilia walks up to the camera filming McLaren unboxed, pushing her face up to the lens and sticking her tongue out before she was tugged away by the laughing Fernando.

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