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At his side was his father, King Cold. It was clear that they were up to no good, evident by the abundance of soldiers at the beck and call.

Krillin(Shock): This can't be happening! How is he back, and who the heck is that big guy next to him!?

Vegeta(Unnerved): That would be his father, King Cold.

21(Nervous): Just when I though thing would settle down a bit...

Frieza gave the order to some of his men to fan out and kill any and all earthlings they find. As they go to fulfill that order, they are quickly struck down by an outside force, cut into pieces. Shock permeate throughout the area, as the assailant made themselves known.

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???: So, you must be "Frieza".

Frieza(Annoyed): That's Lord Frieza to you, worm. Honestly, I don't have the time nor the patience to deal with you. Men, deal with this fool.

With the order issued, Frieza's men rushed the mysterious attacker, only to be cut down with ease. The sword this newcomer wielded sliced through their armor and flesh like butter.

Frieza(Amused): Well, you're a persistent one. It would seem I have to dirty my hands even before I deal with-

???: Goku, right?

Frieza(Surprise): So you're acquainted with that loathsome ape?

???: You could say that. Any moment now, Goku's gonna come home. The thing is, only one of us is gonna stick around to greet him.

Frieza: *Smirks* Finally, some common ground. Don't worry, I'll be sure to show him your corpse when I see him. Right before having him join you in the afterlife! As for Yerlec, he'll be a special case. I want to see and hear him suffer before I end his life.

???(Confused): *To himself* "Yerlec"? Questions for later. *Out loud* Sorry, but I'm afraid your RSVP with Goku is officially declined.

Frieza: If you think that defeating my troops grants you merit to fight me, then you're sorely mistaken. I don't know who you are, but you matter not. I came here for the Super Saiyans.

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