Season 1 episode 1 : Spark of Rebellion part 1

Start from the beginning

"What is it now" I yelled back to him.

"Well not only are their two randoms chasing us but now their are two troopers after us"

"Oh great. That's really great Ezra!" I said dodging a shot that came our way.

Just then a shot hit us sending me into the other lane. I started to move around so I didn't hit the other drivers driving the right way while we drove in the opposite direction. I looked next to me and saw the guy from earlier look at me. I looked right back at him and started to speed up some more. Ezra looked back to see what he was going to do while all I could focus on was getting us back home. When I looked back over I saw that he had dropped his crates to make him self faster them me and Ezra. All off the sudden he jumped over to our lane cutting us off. I Hit the breaks hard and stopped the speeder right before it hit him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding while Ezra got him self together.

"Who are you!?" I asked just about ready to take his blaster and shote him.

"I'm the guy who was stealing that crate" He said in a matter-o-fact tone while pointing his thumb to him self.

"Hey, look we stole this stuff, whatever it is, fair and square" Ezra spoke up from behind me.

"And you made it pretty far. But I've got plans for that crate, so today is not your day."

"Mmm?" I said looking at Ezra.

He finished my thought saying "Day's not over." As I went around him are started speeding of home. I didn't hear what he said after that but then I hear a TIE fighter fly to us and start shooting at us. I looked back and saw that the bike had me distorted and he was coming someone. Not wanted to see who I speed up. Just then the TIE fighter came back around for us. The TIE fighter started shooting at us.

"Whatever's in these crates must really be worth it!" I heard Ezra shout looking back to me. Just then the TIE started to shoot at us.

"Better be worth it!" I shouted but before I could speed up again the TIE shot at us making the speeder explode. As me and Ezra fell to the ground I saw the TIE fighter leave. Or so I thought. It came back around both me and my brother just sat stood their staring at it. I didn't know what to think about my life ending right then and their. But then out of no where someone shot at the TIE fighter and exploded it. I turned around to see a ship hovering above the ground with the same guy from before sating in the larger door way. That same feeling came back to me threw the Force but stronger this time. I pushed it back again as the guy yelled to us.

"You want a ride?" He yelled to me and my brother. I didn't trust him but then I saw how many TIEs were coming this way. He spoke up again.

"You two, have a better option? Come on!" He yelled at us while holding out his hand. Ezra ran to him while I ran back for the crate.

"Leave the crate, you'll never make it!" I heard him say but, I didn't care so long has Ezra was safe on board everything was ok in my book. I ran faster as the TIEs starting shooting at me. I used a little bit of the Force to get me and the crate in the air and on to the ship.

"Whoa." I heard both boys say as I got myself on the ship with the crate. Ezra ran to me helping me slide the crate on board the ship while the other guy just stood there. The door shut behind me and Ezra as I felt the ship lift higher in the air.

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