I lowered my head in shame, "but even if I were to go, I won't be able to do anything..!"

when I looked up, he was gone.

I turned my head to the right, seeing him pry open a couple of boxes. "listen, how about you play as a worthless human? I'll only need you to distract him for a few minutes and we'll take care of the rest." dazai said, pulling up some newspapers and shoving them in my chest.

I thought over it for a moment... I'd only have to pretend and they'll take care of the rest.. should be easy, right?

shakily, I stood up and approached the bomber. "who are you!?" he shouted, making me flinch in surprise.

"u-u-um.. listen.. w-what could you accomplish by doing this?.." I shakily said, slowly walking closer to him, "i-i bet this would make your parents sad..!"

"I asked; who are you?! you're not with the agency.." he yelled again, pulling the hostage up by her hair, making me sweat even more in nervousness.

"a-as you can see! I was only passing by... delivering newspapers...!"

"...and what's a delivery boy got anything to do with this?"

"no matter h-how much you hate them... you shouldn't take hostages or set off bombs..!!"

I went on, rambling about reasons to live to the abductor but he didn't seem to be phased by anything...

so I ran up to him, surprising him, who was already sweat dropping at the things I was saying, " why don't we get a job together, yeah??!?!?!!!" he flinched in surprise.

"now, kunikida-kun!" dazai yelled, taking the abductors moment of shock as a chance.

"I know!"

suddenly kunikida created a gun (?) from his notebook, shooting the hostages controller and taking it instead. he pulled the hostage down on the ground and restrained his hands behind his back.

dazai stood up from his hiding spot, "good work, everyone!"

I sighed in relief, staring at the sight in front of me. I can't believe we actually did it.. and that I was able to help some way.

kunikida and dazai were arguing over nonsense as usual. dazai was lying about some advice, making the blond man write it down in his notebook.

dazai ended up getting slammed against the wall, "you bandage freak! stop ridiculing me!"

the abductor took that as the chance to stand back up, and kicked kunikida in the back, stealing the controller from him in the process. "all of you! stop making fun of me..! I swear... everyone who has super powers has something wrong with them!" he clicked the button, activating the bomb.

I turned to the bomb beside me, that began sounding, "30 seconds..!!!"

kunikida rushed towards me, "hey brat-!"

before he could reach me the abductor slammed into him, restraining him in the process, "not so fast!!!"

I stared at the bomb, thoughts rushing through my head in panic.

"s-something to cover the bomb..."

I looked around, trying to find something.. anything at all!


I turned my head to the naomi who was tied up and leaning on the desk. beside her was a passed out y/n, hands also restrained behind her back. her head was slightly hunched over, making her hair fall over her face and on her lap.

my eyes widened, heart beating loudly in my rib cage. I acted without thinking, pushing naomi and y/n into dazai who held them from falling. "atsushi-kun!" he called out as he pulled naomi to her feet and carried y/n up in his hands properly.

ON HOLD | Y!dazai osamu x reader ♡ corruptWhere stories live. Discover now