Chapter 22

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Bianca's POV

"Baby, wake up," A voice says softly to me, making me shift before my eyes open as I am now awake. I am met by Christina looking down at me caringly, a sweet smile on her beautiful face. I'm not sure what time it is, but judging by how the light is peaking through the now open curtains of this room, I can tell that it's morning.

"I have set up everything in the bathroom for you already. All that's left is for you to take yourself into the bathroom, undress, then relax in the bathtub. Okay?" she asks, her voice so calm and kind as she smiles down at me. 

Unsure of my safety around her anymore, I simply nod before moving my eyes to focus on anything but her. I feel her eyes on me for longer than normal, but she doesn't say anything. "Once you're done, meet me downstairs," she says before walking to the door and exiting the room. I look at the door, fear eating away my ability to relax in this house.

I enjoy the foam bath as my body finally relaxes for the first time since I got here. I think I spend more time than I usually do when I bath because the water was starting to get cold. Once I had finished bathing, I found new body lotions and body sprays and perfumes that smelled heavenly. I finished up and got dressed in a floral dress and sandals.

I headed downstairs feeling a lot less stiffer than I did yesterday. I walked into the lounge to meet Christina busy on a phone call as she stood near the window. She turned and looked at me, pausing on what she had been saying. 

Judging from the seriousness of her face, and how she just walked out of the room, I'd say that the call was very important. Pretty much one of those 'it doesn't concern you' kind of things. I sat down and just waited for her to return and probably tell me exactly what she plans to do with me

She walks back into the room in less that 5minutes, her face now decorated with joy and excitement as she sits next to me, her arm finding it's way around my lower body as she pulls me closer to her so that I was now cuddled in her arms. I don't say anything, neither do I try to retaliate. I do enjoy being in her arms even though she still scares me.

I hear her sigh in content, as if the act of having me in her arms is something she has been wanting to do for a long time. Like being with/around me gives her so much peace and comfort. I find myself melting into her arms, the familiar feeling of being safe fast returning to me after disappearing for so long. 

Closing my eyes, I take in her smell, her cologne rubbing off on my own clothes. How my body just fitted into her own. I missed this. I missed her. She kissed the top of my head, pulling me even closer into her. If that's even possible with how close we already are. 

"I really missed you," she says, her voice calm and sincere. I smile, my eyes opening to look up at her, blushing as I find that she is already looking at me. "I'm really sorry for scaring you. I know that everything that's happened wasn't your fault. I just-" she sighs, her eyes now moving from mine as she looks away. 

"I wanted to hate you so bad for what your family has done to me, to my family. I wanted to hurt you, really really badly," she confesses, sighing as she looks at me, her eyes now a bit glassy as she says, "But I can't. God knows I'd rather hurt myself that harm you. I'd burn down the world if it meant keeping you safe and happy," she continues, each word weighing heavy with emotion.

I get emotional, tears now welling around my eyes. "I love you, I love you so much, and I promise to do anything and everything just to protect you," she finally says, her hand finding it's way to my face, caressing gently and slowly. She kisses my forehead before resting her head on my mine. I close my eyes and try to fight back my tears.

We stay like that for a long while. No more words spoken, just our bodies drawing warmth from each other as we both enjoy being next to the other. I wish we could just stay like this forever.

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