Chapter 13

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Bianca's POV

Classes were long and exhausting. I spent my lunch hidden at the library to avoid my friends. It is at this point that I am grateful that I don't share any classes with them. When classes eventually ended, I drove to Christina's house. It's weird how I felt more at home at the house of my father's enemy than at my own home. When I got to the house, the guards didn't give me any trouble. For some reason, the guard who gave me trouble yesterday was not there. In his place stood a female guard who smiled at me as I drove in. I wonder where he went to. Or was he given a day off? Perhaps he is on leave. Out of curiosity, I asked the other guard who had let me in yesterday, hoping that he would know the whereabouts of the other guard. From what I know from my brothers, guards to crime Lords don't get any free days unless if they are sick. Even then, they are tended to at the underworld hospital. I was rather shocked when the guard I asked responded by telling me that it would be best if I got the answer from his boss. So with my tail in between my legs, I went inside the house and rested a bit before preparing dinner. Christina was still not back when I woke up so I just went on to cook dinner. I was starting to feel bored as I had spent all day missing her. I decide to call her, my heart beating fast as I waited for her to pick up the call. Luckily for me, she did. "Who is this?" she asked coldly as she answered the call. My heart started beating faster. "Hey," was all I could say as my hands were starting to shake in fear. "Oh, you actually called," she said, her voice softening. I breath out in relief, my fear going away. "Yeah," I laugh awkwardly as my nerves are still present. "Are you nervous?" she asks me, her voice softening the more. "Very," I admit as I laugh, this time not awkwardly. I hear her chuckle. "Baby, it's me, not some sick criminal, just me. You should relax, be comfortable and free," she says. I smile, she does know how to cure my shyness. "Listen to you being sweet," I joke, causing her to laugh as well. She stops and I hear her say, "Hold on please," before she speaks to someone on the side. All I picked up was, "What is it?" "Not now, I'm busy," "Sure" before she returned to talking to me. "So tell me, how were classes today?" she asked me. I smile. "Long and exhausting," I respond, turning back to check the pots before returning to the counter. "Sorry princess. What are you doing right now?" she asked, her voice calm. I miss her. "I'm cooking," I tell her honestly, glancing at the pots before looking at the kitchen wallpaper. "Ououhhh," she squealed excitedly, causing me to giggle at her act of childishness. "Now I really can't wait to get home," she says. My heart melts. Home. "Then come back, I miss you," I tell her honestly, my voice sulking a bit. "I miss you too baby, but I have to take care of something first before I come back," she says, sighing heavily into the phone. I hear shuffling on her side again. Someone speaks but I cannot hear what they say. "Baby, I have to go now," she says, finally focusing back on our call. I frown but don't complain. "Okay, guess I'll see you when you get back," I say as I stand to check on the pots. I hear her chuckle. "Stop sulking," she says, I just frown. Next I hear her say, "I love you," before the line goes dead before I can even respond. I stay frozen for a few seconds, the phone still held against my ear. I end up finishing up with the cooking and wait for Christina to get back while watching my favourite tv programs. It was a little after 6pm when Christina finally walked in. She came to me and gave me a tight hug, kissing me on my forehead. I smile at her as she sits down next to me while unbuttoning her shirt. "How was work?" I ask her as I look at her. "Exhausting," she says, her eyes bright as she looks at me with so much love and adoration. "I really missed you," she adds as she gets closer to me and perks my lips. I grin widely. "Before you cut the call, you said something," I tell her. She freezes for a second before she moves back. "Oh," is all she says before sitting back on the couch and closing her eyes. I scoot closer to her and wrap my hands around her arm. "Baby, come on," I sulk as I shake her slightly in an attempt to get her attention. She hums in response but doesn't look at me. I get a mischievous idea and grin widely. I push myself up a bit so that my lips are close to her ear. "Daddy," I whisper seductively in her ear and smirk when I feel her body stiffen before her eyelids swing open, her head shooting to my side as she looks at me. I giggle at how her eyes have suddenly darkened. "Are you ready to talk about what you said during the call now?" I ask her, my smirk not leaving my lips. She doesn't say anything. Instead, she pulls my face closer to hers by my chin and kisses me. I respond instantly. The kiss starts out as slow and passionate before it is filled with need and hunger. She pulls back after some minutes and looks into my eyes, her eyes still very much lustful. "I love you," she says, her eyes not moving from mine. My heart melts. I smile. "I love you too," I respond truthfully before we share yet another passionate kiss. She soon pulls away, perking my lips one last time before moving back to look at me, a wide grin forming on her lips. "I should just marry you," she says, making me blush uncontrollably. I get closer to her and perk her lips. "You should," I say before finally moving back and allowing her to go and freshen up. She takes her things and heads upstairs to freshen up, telling me that she would be back soon before leaving. I sit back on the couch, my head resting back on it as I face the ceiling, smiling with my eyes closed. It felt as if my heart would burst with all this love and affection. This is living-being where your heart is at peace and is handled with so much love and care. She really should marry me. I wish to stay with her forever. I love her, I really really love this crime Lord.

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