Chapter 10

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Christina's POV

I woke up on Friday morning with a low spirit. I got myself ready and settled on a simple navy shirt with black pants and black shoes. I fixed my hair and got done with getting ready. When I got downstairs, there was a closed plate on the table but Bianca was out of sight. She had been avoiding me since yesterday evening when I told her about having to release her back to her family. I think by now it's clear to both of us that we have developed feelings for one another so much that letting go and being apart scares us both, especially since we're on different sides of the rope of life. I ate up and washed the plate, just to make sure that she has no work to do in here. Ever since she arrived, I had stopped the cleaners from coming in, but I still paid them their salaries. I drive to my underworld office with my guards following closely behind me in a black van. As soon as I got there, Josh came out to meet me, panic visible in his face. "My Lord, they're here," he tells me. I look at him, my stomach turning in nervousness. I walk inside to meet the board and get this over and done with.

(2hours later)

I sit back on my office chair and sigh deeply as I tilt my head up and look at the ceiling. A small knock is sounded on the door before Josh walks in. He looks at me while my eyes stay glued to the ceiling. I feel like crying. Instead of sitting down, Josh walks around the table to my side. I look at him, confusion visible in my scrunched eyebrows. He takes my hand and pulls me up, attacking me with a hug. I freeze for a moment, unsure of what to do, my body not used to such affection. I end up breaking down into the hug as I hug him back. Josh hugs me even tighter as my body starts shaking a bit. I pour out my whole heart, allowing myself to feel the hurt and pain that I have avoided all these years. The pain of having to give up my life to join the crime world, having to lose friends and everyone I used to be close to. The pain of losing my family, my mother. Having to raise myself living alone in a big lonely mansion. Now being forced to let go of the only girl that has been able to melt my heart and bring me a little joy, standing at risk of losing all my worlds if I refuse. I think Josh and I spend over thirty minutes with him just holding me while I cry in his arms. He later drives me home while the guards follow behind with my cars. As he stops his car infront of my huge gate, he turns and looks at me, care and concern visible even behind his now serious face. "You don't have to face this alone," he says quietly. "I am your friend, your brother. I will always, always, be here for you. Always. I mean it Christina," he continues, making my heart warm up. I smile at him then feel a strong urge to hug him, so I do just that. We let go and I exit the car, watching as he drives away. I release a long breath then head inside. Bianca is in the living room watching tv when I walk in. She turns to look at me with a smile on her face but freezes as soon as she sees the sadness written all over my face. Her smile drops. "No, no no no," she protests, standing up and backing away from me as I walk closer to her. "Bianca," I start to say, the words getting stuck in my throat as I cannot get myself to say them. "No!" she yells, her eyes instantly getting teary. I walk even closer to her and pull her into me in a hug. She breaks down as I hold her tighter into me, her arms instantly wrapping around my waist. I blink my own tears away as I hold her. "I don't wanna go," she whispers in between sobs. I tighten my hold on her. "I know," I whisper as I finally allow my own tears to fall. "I don't want you to go either," I tell her, backing away slightly to look into her eyes but don't let her go. "It's you, or my worlds. I can't lose my worlds Bianca. They are all I have left after losing my family. I'm sorry," I confess truthfully. Bianca doesn't say anything, she just buries her head on my neck and cries even more. Later on, my guards go with me as I drop Bianca off at her home. I head back to my office to meet her father and brothers where paper works were signed to ensure that they'd stay away from my worlds if I stay away from their family. The rest of the days after that are just cloudy. I bury myself in work, getting more ruthless and unforgiving to my victims. I get an idea to write off all my businesses to Bianca's name without anyone knowing. When I seek for Josh's advice, he seconds the idea, saying that he trusts her with them. Also that they would come in handy if things were to come crumbling down for us in the crime world. So although I hadn't seen the younger girl in almost a month, I contact my lawyer who helps me will all my legal businesses to Bianca while all my crime worlds are willed to Josh. I don't tell him about this part though. I continue working on growing my worlds while keeping my reputation of being dangerous and ruthless intact. Life goes on, my heart broken once more.

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