Chapter 4

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Christina's POV

Friday evenings, my favourite days of the week. I get to receive everything that is due to me. It's been a week since I got to deal with the Mike guy. A small  knock is sounded on my office door Before it swings open. Josh walks in with two suitcases held firmly on each of his hands. "Your dues my Lord, he says with a wide smile as he puts the suitcases ontop of my desk. I smile when he opens each suitcase to reveal stacks of cash. "Nice," I say as I start to count it. "Uh, we may have a problem though," Josh says, his face painted in worry. I stop with the counting and look at him. "What is it?" I ask, my eyes boring into his. "Paul Burns, rather known in the underworld as Scorpion, has refused to pay his dues," Josh says. Again? This guy is really bent on bringing out my merciless character on such a wonderful month of June. "My Lord, if you remember correctly, this man and his world have not paid their dues at all this month. I think we should take him out," Josh says, his eyes shining with excitement at the thought of having to teach the Lord of the Hoody Bars world a lesson. "No, not yet atleast. Killing him right away because of dues will put us in bad terms with the high council, we don't need that kind of trouble," I explain, knowing that taking hasty decisions will be bad for my worlds. There are protocals that need to be followed. I may be the Grand Lord, but there is a council that I answer to, one that is responsible for the auditing and viewing of all things that happen in the under world. My father and uncle Zayn were a few years away from being in that council before they died. "Then, what do we do Centurion?" Josh asks me, his face now in a frown. I sigh as I sit back on my office chair. "Send warnings to him, let's start there," I tell him, knowing that the council cannot charge us if we start with warnings. "Alright, you're the boss. Oh and uh, we have Diamond. The boys brought her in earlier today," Josh says, his face brightening up in excitement. "Really now?" I ask him as I give him a mischievous smile. "Yep," Josh responds as he grins widely. "Please let me join in on the fun this time my Lord, It's been a while," he pleads. I chuckle, I do admit that he makes the whole torture thing fun sometimes. "Alright, go get ready. And put these away, you know what to do with it," I say, the last part referring to the cases of money. He nods and bows before leaving. I tilt my head back and face the ceiling. I miss my mom. As much as I know that she didn't want this life for me, I know that my father and uncle Zayn would be so proud of me.

(An hour later)

Josh and I enter the interrogation room together. It's been a while since I let him be around. He makes my work easier on the difficult ones like the one brought in today. As Josh opens the torture box he just brought in, I eye the woman who has both hands tied to two long ropes hanging from the roof. She looks at me, her eyes burning with a mixture of fear and lust. Well, I've gotten a lot of lustful looks over the years so it's not hard to spot one. "Well well well, who do we have here?" I ask as I walk closer to her. I scan her from her beautiful long legs, up her hips that are visible even on the short she has on, up her toned belly visible due to the crop top she has on until I reach her face. I eye her pink lips before resting my eyes on hers, giving her a small smile. She's beautiful. "Monita Evans, known in our crime world as Diamond. Became the Juniors Crime Lord two years ago, currently 29," Josh reads from his iPad. I keep my eyes on her. I smirk at her when I catch her eyes skim over my body. I have on sweat pants, a sports bra inside an unzipped jacket and a beanie with sneakers. I plan on hitting the gym after this. "Well, aren't you a beauty," I tell her as I reach out a hand and use the back of my index finger to skim over her face. She flinches. I retrieve my hand and put it in my pocket. "Relax mama, you're safe with me," I say, knowing that those words are lies. "We're ready," Josh tells me from across the room, alerting me that he's done setting up the weapons. I give the woman a smile again. I've only seen her once or twice during meetings of the Lords, we've never engaged in any conversation. "Did you hear that? It's time for fun," I say before grinning. "You sent a spy into my territory, true or false?" I ask her as I turn my back on her, my hands deep inside my pockets. She stays silent, her breathing being the only sound coming out of her open mouth. I sigh then turn to look at her, my hands still in my pockets. "I really hate it when I ask someone a question and they don't answer, a simple question for that matter," I tell her calmly. She still says nothing. "Josh, I think we have one who has no voice, what do you think we should do about that?" I ask him, my eyes glued to the woman before me. "I say we help her get her voice back, help her speak my Lord," Josh says, his tone of voice showing that he is pleased. "Right," I say as I smile. I move around the woman and scan her body before stopping infront of her once more. "She's really a beauty, say, a 7 out of 10," I tell Josh. He whistles. "How about a six?" he asks, excitement booming in his voice. "Six it is then," I tell him as I smile at the woman. I hear shuffling as he picks up something and walks to me. I turn in time to see him standing before me with a hand gun held in his hand. I take it and turn back to the lady, shooting a bullet into her left thigh with no hesitation. She screams out in pain, tears now staining her beautiful face. "I won't ask you this again lady, did you or did you not send a spy into my territory?" I ask her, my smile now gone, replaced by a cold intimidating face and stance. "It wasn't me," she breaths out. "I swear on my life," she cries. I frown, Josh looks at me in confusion. "What?" I ask her as I raise an eye brow at her. "I admit that I was the one who sent the order, but I was also paid by someone else for it," she explains, blood flowing down her leg. "Paid by who?" I ask her, my eyes scanning her. She raises her head slightly, her eyes resting on mine before she breaths, "The Lord of the Hoody Bars world, Scorpion," she says before her head drops back down. What? I turn and look at Josh, his eyes looking into my angered ones in a mixture of confusion and anger. This man is really begging to see the devil in me for real. 

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