chapter6 {it would be better if you do your task first}

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First day of classes, students no matter if they were first years or second or even senior years, they all were excited for the beginning of the semester. Well there always going to be an exception, this time in side the snakes lair there was a boy wanting to sleep more; unfortunately for him, other snakes were been taught very well by their pure blood families so no sleep for the man back from the death; literally.

The emerald green eye boy looked up from bed to be greeted by his roommates being ready in their robes at six in the morning; Yes he checked.

"Harry come on were gonna be late ." His new found blond friend said that .

"For what exactly ?" Harry muttered half way back to his sweet sleep. "The breakfast hasn't even started yet ."

"But we have to be at the common room by 6:15." The blond said back fixing his tie.

"Says who?" He separated from his bed missing the warmth.

"Says the perfects. Did you even listen to them last night? " He heard his friend half way to the bathroom.

"Yes, of course I did." He closed the door.

Last night after diner the slytherin perfects gave a short speech to the first years honestly Harry didn't listen to what they were saying considering he needed to get rid of Voldemort since he was a possible threat.

When the boys were done preparing and finally existing their room two green orb located a envelope on his bed he grabbed the envelope and followed his new friends to the Slyderin common room.

When the last group's of first years arrived at the common room the perfect who was waiting there for them start to talk " Good morning, from today for a week we are going to take you anywhere you have to go and we..."

The voice of the girl faded to the background for Harry, as he opened the envelope he had found on his bed. There was no name on the envelope, but he didn't need one to recognize the handwriting.

Mr. Potter
There are matters that need to be discussed.
Please meet me at the head master's office, behind the gargoyle status.
Ps. I enjoy lemon drops.

He didn't expect this at all; in his past life it took years for Dumbledore to trust him and talk to him and eventually fool him directly more importantly he was at Gryffindor then. Did him being sorted at Slyderin made the old head master start plotting without being sure of Harry's loyalty to him and his cause. No he was sure; all those compulsions on him would serve the purpose if only they were there . Maybe the old goat wants to become close to him by expressing his feelings about Harry going to have a hard time at his current house and also his going to help Harry.

With that thoughts the green eyes calmed and his ears start to hear the sounds of his surrendering .

"...Going to be hard, but we don't want to give them any reason." She was finished talking so she told them to follow her out of common room.

When the young snakes arrived at the great hall, the hall was half full with students and all the teachers were there which was weird since Harry never saw this amount of people in the great hall at seven in the morning. All of the people were observing them or better to say, closely observing Harry Potter.

The slytherins sat and start to eat. After awhile Theodore whispered aloud only for their table to hear "They staring like they've came to a circus of rare spices." Some people agree with him by a 'Humm' some by waving their heads but no one looked up or stopped what they were doing like Theodore never talked in the first place.

Their reaction was odd in Harry's opinion so he couldn't help but to ask "why are you all act like an stranger now, when you all looked like childhood friends last night? "

Blaze looked at him like he had amnesia, Theodore shake his head like he was a lost cause, Draco, his baby brother, started to laugh at his silly joke so freely that made Harry forgot his question. He never saw his baby brother laugh like this in his past life. He thought how would it be if he wold have grown up with his baby brother, all day laughing with each other.

"Harry you don't like to listen to perfects when they're talking, do you? " Pansy broke his line of thoughts. "Let me explain it to you. You see, most of us.. I mean everyone in Slyderin except you, are children of Death Eaters which makes us possible threads and possible future dark lord, so imagine an outsider seeing us all as unite as we are they going to think we are plotting for world domination not only some friends spending time together. "

"That's why we keep our friendship hidden." Blaze said with the most serious tone Harry heard of him in a little time he got to know him."We need to survive."

Too much burden for an eleven year old just because their parents made a mistake. Harry remembered the time when he was at second year and he suspected young Draco of being the one who opened the chamber just because he was an Slyderin. The Slytherins aren't the only one with prejudice, but the others have it towards the Slyderins.

They talk a little about the food and it's quality which the young heirs thought the food was awful and Harry strongly agreed this time; before coming back, he once chose residen in side the manor he was born and tasted the cooking of Remmy, the chef of the manor, in the time it was the most tasteless food he had eaten over his blue emotions, but after two years he tasted what actually was the food the chef made, and he had to admit what those spoiled snakes ate at their home was even better than foods here.

The male prefect of the Slyderin house leaded the young snakes to their first class which was transfiguration.

Professor McGonagall came in all strict and giving the same warning speech as last time. Then changed her desk to a pig again like last time and a boring and extremely long lecture she finally gave the students a match and asked them to turn it to a needle.

Harry could see all the students trying hard to make the transfiguration happen, but no luck so far.

Draco leaned back disappointed at his failure. Harry didn't want to see his baby brother like this so he asked his baby brother if he needed help; when Harry saw him interested in the offer, he start to explain what Professor McGonagall said in an easier understanding way and he finished his explanation by saying "It's all about imagination, imagine it first and then say the spell."

"We appreciate you helping a fellow student,Mr.Potter, perhaps it would be better if you do your task first." Said an unpleased McGonagall. She stared at the the survivor of Potters in Slyderin uniform, demanding him to turn the match in to a needle.

Harry did what she asked and then when he turned to look at her saw disbelief all over her face. At first Harry was dumbfounded by the Gryffindor professor's expression, but then he remembered in his last life no one was able to do this spell correctly until the second session expect for Hermione Granger, the smartest witch of her age, which even she didn't make it at her first try.

'Oh no' He made a mistake. Being in the spotlight even more than he already was, was no good. If he didn't act like the dumb child the old goat wanted him to be or be like a prodigy it could beg the question and bring more suspicious. He needed to be more careful.

But the needle he made was something even the old teacher couldn't do without a lot of efforts; Harry didn't know this.

"Well Mr. Potter could you turn it back to a match?" The Burnett professor asked with hope for her new found genius.

"I'll try professor." Harry said unhappy with his absent minded.

Then he made a decision which he regretted after only a week. He changed the needle back to a match perfectly which earned him a applaude and twenty points, from the strict professor.

Harry Potter, the favorite prodigy of Professor McGonagall, helped some of the students to do the spell and only by the end of class they succeeded. Draco was the first and after him Pansy, Theo and Blaze made it but they hide it until some Hufflepuff students did it like Hana Abbott and Susan Bones.

The charms wasn't much different; the beginning was the same, you won't see the small goblin fell from his sit once let alone twice. This time Harry made his feather fly to the ceiling in front of the small professor and as easy as with McGonagall he became professor Flitwick favorite student.

Me saying: sorry for the delay

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